Below I present solid evidence that US human space travel is 68+ years of FAKE NEWS (pure propaganda!)! |
. Dear visitor to my web site 2025. Start watching this! Let's then start with some real new and then old nonsense - NASA was back watching the back of the Moon November 2022. The pictures are lousy, to say the least. Reason is Elon Musk that now owns NASA! He calls it SpaceX! Elon is just a con-man that fools everyone except me and Russian president Putin! Already back in 2002 Musk went to Moscow to buy Russian rockets to explore space. Putin received him and told Musk he could have the Russian rockets for free, as long as he maintained that the rockets and their Russian nuclear missiles/nukes were working. And Musk agreed! Musk later created Texla electric cars, X social forum and Starlink in the same style. Complete nonsense! Musk also maintains he is a man with plenty ex-wives and mothers of his children (probably true) in his messy private, con-man life. It is a sad story but all Great Americans believe Musk is real and richest in the world! Musk is also good friend of Donald Trump, PotUS 2025/9!! Imagine that! But Donald Trump is just another US con-president too without and real education. He just inherited a bankrupt real estate company at New York that by some magic survived and became rich again with Donald as CEO! With Musk as some sort of advisor!! Isn't it hilarious? Let's continue with some real old news. Humans cannot fly in space! I know you find it surprising and interesting, because you have been told about humans in space a lot since a long time. But you were fooled! I generally work with safety at sea on the oceans of planet Earth, which can be improved. And then I came across plenty space travel projects in the universe and its safety in space, which I found to be a joke. All of it! Since 1958! More old 2024 NASA nonsense here! 1. Here you learn a lot about the past and the present. Many Americans believe today, 2024, that USA has sent humans into space since 1958. It was just propaganda by cranks from the beginning! Project Mercury was the first, 100% fake human space program of the United States, running from 1958 through 1962 starting the manned space flight bullshit. No American was ever in space then or later. Below is the latest US
space clown 2024 -
Nelson! Bill started space
clowning already 1985! Bill Nelson, a former
senator from Florida, was NASA's
14th administrator since April,
2021. Nelson told media.
NASA Administrator
Steve Jurczyk said: Bill 2023 hasn't a
clue what space is all about, so he
should study my findings
about it. Bill
says he spent a week in
space 1986
!!! on a space
shuttle with six
other stupid clowns (right), but it was a lie then
and today! I met Bill at
Paris, France 21 July 2022.
Bill, (then 79) is looking for life/water in
space! NASA has just found water
somewhere in space, he told me. And 29
August 2022 a big NASA rocket (unmanned)
will take off to the Moon to do something.
There are rumours about water below
the Moon south pole! The NASA
objective is a permanent US human presence
there ... one day. I have heard it before!
What a joke. Once a
space clown, always a space clown! Some other human space clowns to
my knowledge on Earth are the Europeans
below: To be a space exploration expert shouldn't you know the basics? And they haven't got a clue how to keep people happy for >200 days inside spacecraft going to planet Mars. Here is the absolute latest space garbage from 18 April 2022!! Axiom Space Inc. is the first company building a private space station to orbit Earth. It is fantastic. Visit its website and contact them and What they will do in space to make any money there is complete mystery to me. They say they will do scientific research in space that cannot be done on ground. It doesn't sound serious. They took off on 8 April 2022 just to look around close to the International Fake Station! Complete fantasy! Recorded at Hollywood on Earth, as usual! But let's return to the human space travel nonsense with the Sept. 21, 2020, NASA (bullshit) RELEASE 20-092 that NASA Publishes Artemis Plan to Land First Woman, Next Man on Moon in 2024 . With the Artemis III program, NASA will land the first woman and more men back on the Moon by 2024, using innovative technologies to explore more of the lunar surface than ever before. The trip takes only five days one way ... and another five days back! The person coming up with this stupid plan - Jim Bridenstine - (see below) has resigned January 2021. The Artemis III program is very simple, confusing and complete nonsense! Read on! A US Space Launch System (SLS) rocket (it can lift 43 tons to the Moon) will send an Interim Cryogenic Propulsion Stage (ICPS) rocket (details unknown) with an Orion four crew space craft, an European built Service Module (SM) rocket and a Human Landing System (HLS) rocket (below) into low Earth orbit and the ESA lunar Gateway.
Test run 16 December 2021!! Cancelled!!! There are several experienced teams of NASA clowns behind the Artemis missions to ensure the success of the first SLS launch and Orion's first trip around the Moon planned for start 16 December 2021 ... with nobody aboard, i.e. a test run! It seems it was cancelled! As of April 2022, Artemis 1 is expected to launch no earlier than May 2022 The woman will fly 2024. NASA is thus building a sustainable presence on and around the Moon as part of the Artemis Program. The journey begins with the Orion spacecraft NASAs next generation spaceship that will launch atop the worlds most powerful SLS rocket to take astronauts on a journey of exploration to the Moon and later on to planet Mars. Orion is part of NASAs backbone for deep space exploration, along with the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket and the ESA lunar Gateway. Orions Service Module (SM) is the powerhouse of the spacecraft, supplying it with the electricity, propulsion, thermal control, air and water it needs in space. After the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket gives Orion the push it needs to venture toward deep space and detaches from it, the Service Module (SM) will propel the spacecraft on its mission beyond the Moon and help it return to Earth, detaching before the crew module (what ever it is?) reenters Earths atmosphere. Sounds confusing to say the least. So let's repeat: After take off and dropping off the SLS, the ICPS rocket is fired twice to reach a high Earth orbit from which it sends the Orion space craft, SM and HLS towards the Moon in a new orbit. It is called trans-lunar injection - details unknown (because it is a joke).
They are all of course 100% fake like all trips in space since 1958! There is no way to fly to planet Mars, change course and/or start orbiting there and study the weather and life, etc. But they are fun. Stupid people pay for the nonsense! Only dull, one-way orbits around Earth is possible. A trip to planet Mars is only a
variable speed/direction, elongated, banana
shaped orbit
around planet Earth (and not around the
Sun as pseudo-astronomers suggest)
until you arrive Mars, we are told. It looks like
this 2018 fake trip that never took place either. You
take off from Earth in the direction of the orbit of
Mars. Then you slow down (?), while Earth
passes (!) below you, while you rise to the orbit of
Mars and land on arrival. There are plenty people
believing in this nonsense: Only planets like Earth and Mars orbit the Sun at different speeds. When something departs Earth in space it always orbits Earth that orbits the Sun! Nothing else! The spacecraft thus departed from Earth at a certain escape speed and direction orbiting Earth to arrive, where planet Mars will be in its orbit, when you arrive in the vicinity at low speed later, we are told. But how? The shortest trajectory Earth/Mars straight away from the Sun is not possible! Don't ask me why! No, it must be a 7 times longer and a banana shaped trajectory with TCMs! Trajectory Correction Maneuvers at speeds that nobody can calculate or inform us about! And this trajectory is always an orbit around moving Earth! Never around the Sun! You have to know what an orbit is! So far the bullshit is good. Getting away from Earth in any direction is easy ... but not from Earth gravity! You need gravity to orbit anything. You also need the right escape velocity, direction and location, etc, I am told, to get off the ground and not drop back. Listen to this nonsense: "In physics, specifically, celestial mechanics, escape velocity is, (we are confusingly told,) the minimum speed needed for a free, non-propelled object to escape (?) from the gravitational influence of a massive body, i.e. planet Earth, in order to achieve an infinite distance from it. ... Imgagine the nonsense!!!!! A non-propelled object evidently cannot move anywhere, i.e. all object/spacecrafts need a rocket engine to change speed and fuel is needed for it. It also means that the mass of a propelled spacecraft is changing, when the rocket engine is used and fuel mass is expelled. Anyway, we are just going to Mars!
The planet Earth gravitational field varies with altitude and only one thing is certain: trying to escape from Earth gravity will always slow you down in any direction in space to zero speed ... when you drop back and return to and crash on Earth. Remember Apollo 1! That spacecraft slowed down most of the way to the Moon from >11 000 m/s to <900 m/s after a couple of days. Imagine that! It should also happen going to Mars. Coming back from the Moon and dropping down on Earth is same. You just go faster and faster. No way to stop! There are too many variables to consider to plan a trip in space, so, in my opinion, safe space travel is not possible. Any object/spacecraft leaving Earth will always be subject to Earth gravity ... until it is lost. But say that you take off anyway to Mars! Up and away! The show can start!
The Mars Show has started! Planet Earth's speed in orbit around Sun is 29 780 m/s. When you start from Earth you have to get off the ground and away from Earth orbiting the Sun. Say that you speed up 10 220 m/s! Then your speed relative the Sun toward Mars is suddenly 40 000 m/s, which is not bad. But your target planet Mars is still far away in its slow orbit high above you. Planet Mars' speed in orbit around Sun is only 24 000 m/s. It means you have to reduce speed in space during the trip between planets Earth and Mars - after leaving Earth - to arrive at Mars at 0 relative speed? Don't worry! Earth gravity slows you down all the time leaving Earth. Problem is to do this in the right trajectory between Earth and Mars. How? The basis for space navigation relative planet Earth and slow speed planets far away is, I am told, inertial guidance using the inertia of (A) three spinning gyroscopes irrespective of any external forces and without any reference to the Sun and stars and (B) three accelerometers. Precise measurements are made of changes in velocity (acceleration) in all directions and the data is stored in a computer to determine the location in the trajectory at any time. As backup optical sightings/GPS of three stars is used to determine location. Very complicated. I am told since >50 years, I cannot understand it. If I ask, I am told I am an idiot. *** The described system is of course oversimplified because I am stupid and the real system used on any spacecraft today is much more complex and powerful for me to understand. Details are unfortunately top secret! Without an accurate system of space navigation any trip with a spacecraft isn't feasible! The trip is then preprogrammed and any deviations corrected one way or other. Imagine that nonsense!
The Trip to Mars takes >200 Days! Your speed and direction during the long, >200+ days, trip in orbit (around Earth) then changes all the time but, luckily, you know, all the time, where you are, when you slow down, not to miss the target = Mars! Just ask any any spacecraft pilot how the speed relative Sun is reduced during the long trip! The pilots hasn't got a clue! Compare Apollo 11! After a few days your speed has dropped from >11 000m/s to <900 m/s. You don't get to Mars that way. Let's repeat! Say you depart planer Earth at a slow 40 000 m/s speed relative Sun (10 220 m/s relative Earth) and want to arrive at planet Mars after a certain time at same speed as Mars. Mars orbits Sun at slow 24 000 m/s but luckily Earth gravity slows you down until ... Mars gravity starts to accelerate you. What do you do? Anyway, you need much more start speed than 40 000 m/s relative Sun to get past the Moon. And there are no rockets with power to do so. It is one reason that no space trips have ever been done outside LEO! On arrival Mars it's gravity will pull you towards it and your speed increases in an modified orbit around two, mowing celestial bodies. How to enter or land on or orbit around Mars is then another matter, better forgotten. You cannot do it. Unless you are a clown like Einstein! You have no means aboard your spacecraft to do anything. If you miss Mars on arrival, you will of course continue in your original orbit and return to Earth due to its gravity! NASA looks after you during the >200 days Trip! But don't worry. NASA looks after you! Here is a NASA clown believing in Mars. He is worse than Elon Musk. You can see planet Mars from Earth (it is lit up by the Sun and looks like a star) at departure, but you have to aim towards its future location in the Solar System at your arrival. Not easy to calculate the trajectory and arrival time, as your start/departure speed is reduced and direction in orbit varies all the time due to gravity! So all people on Earth - pseudo-astroscientists - behind the trips are simple criminals fooling the stupid people/Arabs paying for the trips. It has gone on for >60 years assisted by media space journalists: Three unmanned trips to Mars 2020+ 1. The Emirates Mars Mission is an Arab exploration mission to planet Mars. It launched the Hope (al Amal in Arabic) spacecraft on 17 July 2020 from a rocket base in Japan after delays due to local rain. The retarded mission is regarded as an investment (LOL) in the United Arab Emirate's economy and human capital. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum & Co. don't understand that he & they are fooled by Emirati, Japanese, American and the global Mars science community (LOL) criminals to pay for fantasies. It happens. But they should first learn what an orbit is! The expected travel time of the Emirati Hope spacecraft is about 200 days on its journey of 60 million kilometers, we are told. Upon arrival at Mars, it will change course (how?) and start an orbit around the planet at unknown altitudes (how?) and speeds. It will study the atmosphere of Mars for two years. Its instruments will help build "holistic models" of the Martian atmosphere. What bullshit! The data is then expected to provide additional data on the escape of the atmosphere to outer space. The Hope spacecraft carries three scientific instruments to study the Martian atmosphere, which include a digital camera for high resolution colored images, an infrared spectrometer that will examine the temperature profile, ice, water vapors in the atmosphere, and an ultraviolet spectrometer that will study the upper atmosphere and traces of oxygen and hydrogen further out into space. Imagine all that nonsense. How the spacecraft Hope can reach, slow down on arrival, start orbiting the planet and study the atmosphere are not known and better not asked for. Arabs are not allowed to land on planet Mars! Anyway spacecraft Hope arrived and started orbiting Mars on 9 February 2021 I am told. Don't ask me how it changed orbits and slowed down to orbit Mars at low altitude and constant speed. The 550 kg spacecraft has 6x120 N thrusters for speed control, actually braking, 8x5 N RCS thrusters for directions control and 800 kg of fuel. On the other hand the Emirates have just started their first nuclear power plant (Korean design/not my EDF/Vinci alternative - it was too expensive) to provide 25% of the electricity required (5.600 MW). It is a very good decision. And more is coming when the (French/Chinese) EDF plant (2.000 MW) comes on line ... but it is solar panels. And I look forward to the EDF nuclear power plant in Saudi Arabia. 18 000 MW ... to be on line 2040! I am a great fan of peaceful nuclear power. Back to space! China is going to Mars. It took 202 days 2. Tianwen-1 is a mission by China to send a spacecraft, which consists of an orbiter, a lander and a rover, to Mars. It is pure propaganda! Bullshit! The mission was launched on 23 July 2020 with a Long March 5 heavy lift rocket. The objectives were to search for evidence of both current (today) and past (4.000 million years ago) life, and to assess the planet's weather and environment. The Chinese Mars
spacecraft is developed by the China Aerospace
Science and Technology Corporation (CASC), and
managed by the National Space Science Centre (NSSC)
in Beijing. The lander portion of the
spacecraft will use a parachute,
retrorockets and an
airbag in order to achieve landing on
the Martian surface. If the landing is successful,
the lander would then release a
rover, right. Said
rover is powered by solar panels and
is expected to probe the Martian surface with radar
and to perform chemical analyses on the soil; it
would also look for biomolecules and biosignatures.
It is very important, you know! How the spacecraft
Tianwen-1 can, reach, slow down on arrival
planet Mars, start orbiting the planet and
looking for life and land are not
known. Nor is known how the lander can stop
orbiting and descend to ground and land to unload
the rover. The Chinese says that they have
already landed rovers on the Moon
twice before but not found any
life there. Sounds like communist
propaganda to me. 3. Mars 2020 is a US Mars Perseverance rover mission by NASA's Mars Exploration Program that includes the Perseverance rover with a planned launch on 30 July 2020 at 11:50 UTC, and touch down in Jezero crater on Mars on 18 February 2021 at 20:56 UTC. Imagine that! 205 days to go to Mars! I have been told it has happened. This fake Mars trip thus took about 205 days.
205 Days to go to Mars! It will investigate an astrobiologically relevant ancient environment on Mars and investigate its surface geological processes and history, including the assessment of its past habitability, the possibility of past life long time ago on Mars, and the potential for preservation of biosignatures within accessible geological materials. It will cache sample containers along its route for a potential future Mars sample-return mission. Imagine that nonsense! NASA was inviting the public to take part in virtual activities and events ahead of the launch of the Mars 2020 Perseverance rover, which was targeted for 7:50 a.m. EDT Thursday, July 30, on a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. Of course such a rocket has not
enough fuel/power to reach planet Mars. It
can hardly reach the Moon. It will just
disappear in the Earth sky ... and arrive
.... bla, bla. People believe this nonsense,
because they believe media Fake
News!! Again how the American
spacecraft will arrive, stop on arrival
Mars, land in a crater and look for
life are not known. If anybody knows,
please tell me and I will publish it here.
Mainstream media will 2021 only publish
fantastic (fake) news about life and weather on
Mars. It touched down in Jezero crater
on Mars on 18 February 2021 at 20:56
UTC we are told. Hole in one. But 100% Fake News as
usual. Soon fake pictures arrived of
the sandy surface of Mars, in this case the
bottom of an ancient lake on Mars full of 3 billion
years old crystalized hydrated compounds. Right!
Today all water has evaporated we are told. Bla,
bla, bla! But only a month
later there was a peer reviewed paper published
about "Long-term
drying of Mars by sequestration of ocean-scale
volumes of water in the
crust" by
young graduate students E. L. Scheller, B. L.
Ehlmann, Renyu Hu, and D. J. Adams misdirected by
their professor Y. L. Yung: Geological evidence shows that ancient Mars had large volumes of liquid water. Models of past hydrogen escape to space, calibrated with observations of the current escape rate, cannot explain the present-day D/H isotope ratio.(???) We simulate volcanic degassing, atmospheric escape, and crustal hydration (???) on Mars, incorporating observational constraints from spacecraft, rovers and meteorites. We find ancient water volumes equivalent to a 100- to 1500-meter global layer are simultaneously compatible with the geological evidence, loss rate estimates, and D/H measurements. In our model, the volume of water participating in the hydrological cycle decreased by 40 to 95% over the Noachian period (~3.7 to 4.1 billion years ago), reaching present-day values by ~3.0 billion years ago. Between 30 and 99% of Martian water was sequestered by crustal (?) hydration, demonstrating that irreversible chemical weathering can increase the aridity of terrestrial planets. Bla, bla, bla! What a joke! The water is still there on Mars but trapped in the crust! And what is the crust? Mars' crust is a thin shell on the outside of Mars, accounting for less than 1% of Mars' volume. It is the top component of the lithosphere, a division of Mars' layers that includes the crust and the upper part of the Mars' mantle. The lithosphere is broken into tectonic Mars' plates whose motion allows heat to escape from the interior of Mars into space. No evidence of anything! Watching Mars for a 1 000 years nobody has seen any tectonic plates on Mars full of water! And the water??? It was just clay! NASA cannot see the difference between water and clay. More about Mars water! Or was it some sort of ice? Let's look at the poles! © 2021 -
Lunar and Planetary Institute © 2021 -
Lunar and Planetary Institute One question remains. What shall the asstronuts going to Mars sking at the poles do in their spacecrafts during the 200+ days trip through the Solar System? And what does M. Franck Montmessin, the top French expert of the matter has to say about it? Nothing! He only studies the non-existing clouds in the sky of the non-existing atmosphere of Mars above the tectonic plates on the shell. Quel connerie! No space craft has ever landed on Mars' tectonic plates, mantle or a meteorite with a rover. The paper is a good example how young, foolish, pseudo-scientists quickly invent anything about space, incl. liquid (!) water on Mars >3 billion years ago! The temperature on Mars is today a cold -60°C but maybe it was warmer some billion years ago due to an atmosphere that has also disappeared. Anyway, soon Tesla car sales person Lone Skum will arrange tourist trips to Mars and its mantle. A one way trip takes only 200+ days!
But why not go to planet Venus instead? It takes only 117 days! Listen first to these fantasies about hot planet Venus: "Our nearest planetary neighbor, the second planet from the Sun, has a surface hot enough to melt lead. The atmosphere is so thick that, from the surface, the Sun is just a smear of light." Bla, bla, bla! It seems that the temperature at the surface of Venus today is 470°C and that the atmospheric pressure is 95 000 000 Pa and that the atmosphere is 95% CO2 versus 0.1% on Earth. But good news! It only takes 117 days to fly to Venus from Earth. In a couple of years US billionaires will offer trips to Venus! You just have to pay in advance and believe the nonsense. But, you will say, I have myself seen and heard big, noisy rockets taking off into the sky and I want to be aboard! |
I agree. Often very impressive
lift offs but all manned rockets,
e.g. the one right - a theater prop (a vertical
Zeppelin style airship full of
helium + fire works producing smoke at the bottom)
- went nowhere after take off and was destroyed
when dropping down again out of sight ... with no
humans aboard. The
humans stayed on Earth! Every time!
But you will say that a space
travel hoax cannot be kept
secret >60 years with too many people
involved. Have you heard about
Trofim Lyssenko?
He was the inventor of
pseudoscience or really bad
science around 1930! Stalin loved him. Ever
heard about Stalin? He was in charge of the
Socialist/Communist Paradise
(sic) in the Sovietunion
1924 - 1953. A very competent mass murderer that
together with Hitler, an incompetent madman,
started WW2 by attacking east Poland and Finland
1939 and the Baltic states 1940 so that Hitler
could attack France and England 1940 and ruin
France until 1945. US presidents Roosevelt and
Truman liked Stalin a lot. Stalin could keep east
Poland, a part of Finland and the Baltic states
after WW2.
Ever heard about US president Roosevelt? He was
quite competent but created his
fake atomic
bombs under great,
military secrecy 1942/5! With a plenty help from
friends. It is also a great hoax and scandal today.
It was quite easy to fool the
world in the 1940's about 100% fake nuclear
weapons and in the 1950's about
going to explore the Universe. All fake of course. Sending spacecrafts one way into orbits was and is easy, I know, but everything else is impossible. No humans have ever been in space! In spite of this the hoaxes go on today. One small, stupid example: The International Space University, ISU, is a private non-profit institution, formally recognized as an institute of higher education in France by the French Ministry of Education (decree MENS0400386A of 27 February 2004). ISU is also recognized by other agencies and universities. Applying to ISU is an online process available at You have to click on "Apply online". Once you have entered the information requested in the form, you will receive an e-mail to confirm that you opened an application. Once you have validated the confirmation, you will then be able to log on your application to fill it in and become a space travel expert. Another, bigger, worse example is - assteroids! Assteroids! Assteroids are minor planets, especially of the inner Solar System, we are told. There exist millions of assteroids, many the shattered remnants of planetesimals, bodies within the young Sun's solar nebula that never grew large enough to become planets, it is said. The vast majority of known assteroids orbit within the main assteroid belt located between the orbits of planets Mars and Jupiter, or are co-orbital with Jupiter (the Jupiter trojans). Assteroid Apophis, the "God of Chaos"assteroid is capable of wiping out millions of people, if it has a slim chance of striking our planet Earth on 10 (!) different dates, space agency NASA has discovered. Imagine that! If Apophis ends up hitting our planet on any of these dates, NASA says the force of impact would be equivalent to 1.200 megatons or 1.200.000 kilotons of kinetic energy. For comparison, the fake US atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945 detonated with the force of only 15 kilotons of TNT. 2018 the Trump administration wanted to make Earth great again by spending more than $100 million to help protect the planet from cataclysmic assteroids.
ESA will also put two, new asstronuts in the International Fake Station at a cost of €1.953 millions! New missions to planets and assteroids got €1.671 millions until 2022, when everyone knows that all old missions are fake. For more fake missions after 2022 €1.152 millions were allocated, etc, etc. France was represented by M. Patrick Michel of the Nice observatory. Patrick loves the fake Osiris Rex and especially the JAXA Hayabusa2 missions. Patrick has driven the JAXA rover on Ryugu he tells the girls at Saint Tropez! What bullshit! What hoaxes! What scandals! And media cannot say so! They present it as Fake News! But let's face it! Any meteors or meteorites entering Earth atmosphere burn up in seconds. Like any ESA fake spacecraft trying to re-enter from space. |
Aerospace is the human efforts in science, engineering, and business to fly in the atmosphere of Earth (aeronautics) and surrounding space (astronautics). Aerospace organizations research, design, manufacture, operate, or maintain aircraft or spacecraft. Aerospace activity is very diverse, with a multitude of commercial, industrial and military applications. Human beings can fly in aircrafts the lower atmosphere of Earth but not in spacecraft in surrounding space, reason being you simply cannot return and land on Earth after a trip in surrounding space. But do not tell that to the US Aerospace Corporation. |
As an independent, non-profit
corporation operating the only Federally Funded
Research and Development Center, FFRDC, for the
fake US space enterprise, the Aerospace
Corporation performs
objective technical analyses and assessments for a
variety of government, civil, and commercial
customers, we are told. US FFRDCs are
public-private partnerships, which conduct research
for the United States Government. They are
administered in accordance with U.S. Code of
Federal Regulations, Title 48, Part 35, Section
35.017 by universities and corporations. The Aerospace
Corporation employs
diverse and talented people, who are empowered to
ensure the highest levels of fakery. Its laboratory
facilities are staffed by some of the leading
scientists and engineers in the world. It strives
to cultivate a rich tapestry of top talent from
many walks of life, and demonstrates honorable
corporate citizenry by meeting its own needs
without jeopardizing the needs of future
generations, etc, etc. None of these employes can
be reached by phone or e-mail to confirm my
findings below. It seems the corporation is a
dumping place of NASA staff, etc. To confuse matters USA also uses
MIT: Massachusetts
Institute of
(MIT) or its Department of Aeronautics
and Astronautics got involved at once with US
fake space plans! Already during World War II, the
MIT Aeronautics Department expanded
rapidly to meet the needs of the US
military. 1959 it added Astronautics
to its interests. MIT had emerged from the
war as the nation's largest nonindustrial defense
contractor; almost all major research in
MIT's Department of Aeronautics was
performed for the military. President
John F. Kennedy gave 1961 a landmark speech
committing the country to landing astronauts on the
Moon by the end of the decade. See
below. The MIT Astronautics
Department is therefore particularly
distinguished by its tremendous contributions to
the NASA 100% fake Apollo and
other space programs. The first fake
voyage to the Moon and landing were made
possible by fake guidance,
navigation, and control systems developed by the
MIT Astronautics Department
Instrumentation Lab. Apollo 11
fake astronut Buzz Aldrin
(MIT PhD '63) was the second
fake man to set foot on the
Moon and one of four MIT Astronautics
Course 16 graduates to walk on the Moon.
MIT has produced more academic
asstronots/actors than any other school.
Imagine that. Another funny space fakery institution is Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory that, i.a., manages the fake Parker Solar Probe mission for NASA - see below. APL designed and built the fake spacecraft and also operates it. But it is better forgotten. Like many other APL ventures. USA/USSR (Russia) faked everything in space starting October 4 1957 with a Sputnik 1 satellite orbiting Earth and ending with a fake Soviet soft landing on the Moon January 31, 1966. USA only managed it May 30, 1966! In the mean time a fake US space craft flow by planet Venus August 27, 1962, while a fake Soviet one flow by planet Mars November 1, 1962, etc, etc. All Fake News then! No evidence of anything. Just American/Russian fantasies! They are still at it. It is not really a conspiracy. There is nothing secret. The collusions and infringements are all in the open. The 'space' people all believe in it. It is religious! And media are promoting it as Fake News! And you cannot mess around with US SBOEs! I just smile at the stupid and harmless nonsense! France sent its first space craft into orbit November 26, 1965, while Japan, in fourth position, didn't manage such trip until February 11, 1970. I always wonder why France and Japan started to fake about space then. But don''t worry! 10 000's of scientists and engineers fake about space supported by ignorant or criminal politicians. One example of fake space travel news March 2019 was that a rocket took off from Earth and that: SpaceX's
Crew Dragon spacecraft, built to carry U.S.
astronauts to orbit starting later this year, caught up with
the International (Fake)
Space Station early Sunday 3 March
2019 and moved in for a picture-perfect docking,
a major milestone in NASA's drive to resume launching U.S.
astronauts from U.S. soil for the first time since the
fake Shuttle
was retired in
2011. SpaceX is a funny
company. It belongs 100% to Elon Musk who is
an actor. The company is 100% owned by Musk and
worth US$ 7 billion!! It is good at producing good,
fake videos of rockets taking off and landing again
even landing on Mars. And 8 March
2019 his Crew Dragon spacecraft un-docked from
the I(F)SS and made an impossible
reentry and dropped
into the Pacific: Jim (right) is really stupid. I
have told him that. He doesn't understand much! It
was standard US/SpaceX Fake space News since 1957.
No Crew Dragon spacecraft went anywhere March,
2019. Jim was just fooled. Jim had to leave
NASA a little later. If (sic) some $12 billion of
funding became available, commercial passenger space travel
services to and from Earth orbit could begin in
2010, we were told. At a growth rate of some
passengers/year/year the business could reach
passengers/ year by 2017, at a price of only
/passenger, some clowns thought. By 2030
time space tourism activities could have grown
to a scale of $100 billion/year, creating several
million jobs experts predicted 2000. Fools believed
it. Of course today 2021
there is 0 space tourism, even if Ms.
Naoko Yamazaki, 48, (left) just started the
Port Japan
supported by Airbus Japan K.K., ANA Holdings Inc.,
Marubeni Corp., Mitsui Fudosan CO. and SKY Perfect
JSAT Corp., to put people in space. Who is Ms.
Yamazaki? Just a stupid, fake
Japanese prostonut saying/lying she visited space
2010. She was never there! As
fake as Hayabusa2!
All Japan space ventures are 100% fake!
Japan started this type of fakery with the
1945 fake atomic
bombs. It is easy!
In Japan you just do what you are told!
Of course space and Universe are
easy to see in the sky but that's all. A dark empty
place full of stars or bright objects and cold
planets or heavenly bodies of all sorts lit by the
Sun. No robotic space crafts can explore it.
Everything sent away from Earth never
arrives anywhere. It can only orbit Earth or
drop back on the ground. Religion? Yes, the
'space' people formed their own societies
about it. You must just agree with them and you are
welcome to join their space churches and Shinto
space temples and similar meeting
places. My opinion. Easy! Space
exploration is 99% fake. Like most
asstronomy. People and asstronomers on
Earth say they have 2017/19 found and
photographed an invisible Black
Hole in the
Universe only 50 million light-years away.
The Universe is at least 13 billion
light-years old, 11 billion of which is
right now being charted by DESI!
All lies. Just fantasies. Plenty
people just get together and publish space lies of
all sorts. If you ask a question - no replies! You
can quote me! The photo? It was created by a young,
very stupid woman trying to make sense out of data
on her computer. The fake data was
just bullshit made by some other people. Already in the 1950's it
was known by all experts that a return
trip to the Moon was
However, in the 1960's it
was all forgotten due to clever communist
indoctrination east/left and US propaganda
west/right, so the latest,
future Moon visits (mostly right) nonsense
2019-2021 - all fake - are listed
below: 14 July 2019 the Indian ISRO moon-probe, Chandrayaan-2, that was earlier slated to be launched 31 January but due to some technical details had to be withheld, was launched into LEO. The Chandrayaan-2 includes an orbiter, a lander and a probe, all developed by India and was launched by a GSLV-Mark III rocket. There are no humans aboard! On 22 July the spacecraft left LEO to arrive at the Moon 20 August, which it started to orbit at 1 680 m/s speed. 2 September the lander named Vikram was detached! It was supposed to land 7 September at zero speed, but someting went wrong at 2 100 m altitude, when speed was down to only 2 m/s and contact was lost, so the mission was only 95% successful, we are told. The orbiter has however fuel to work until 2026 and will try to locate Vikram. Fake Nasa veteran Jerry Linenger, who says he has flown on space shuttles and spent five months on the 100% fake Russian space station Mir in 1997, said, With Chandrayaan-2s orbiter doing three-dimensional mapping of the Moon and looking beneath the lunar surface, we are expecting a lot of information. Anyone looking to set up a base on Moon will be benefited by such information. Personally I consider the Indian spacecraft 100% Fake News! But Indians will fly in space December 2021, we are also told! May 2019 the world's richest man said he was going to the Moon soon. It will be paid for as follows: Every year shares of the Amazon company worth a billion USD are sold and invested in his Blue Origin rocket company. But the whole thing is bullshit! July-September 2019 the private German PTScientists group plans to perform the world's first private Moon landing with a mission they now simply call "Mission to the Moon". A landing module called Autonomous Landing and Navigation Module (ALINA) will launch on a Falcon 9 to the surface of the Moon. The spacecraft will share the Falcon 9 launch with an unspecified satellite that will be placed on a geostationary orbit (GEO). ALINA lander will deploy two lunar rovers on the Moon. The group sounds 100% criminal subsidised by ESA! October-December 2019 the private US Moon Express company will carry out the Lunar Scout expedition, that will be the second commercial voyage to the Moon. This expedition will demonstrate the cost effectiveness of entrepreneurial approaches to space exploration, carrying a diverse manifest of payloads including the International Lunar Observatory, "MoonLight" by the INFN National Laboratories of Frascati and the University of Maryland, and a Celestis memorial flight, whatever that can be. By 2020 the Lunar Scout will return to Earth with plenty Moon regolith dust. This group also sounds 100% criminal! 2020 China's CNSA Chang'e #5 and 6 spacecrafts will land on the Moon, NASA/ESA, Cubesat EM-1 spacecraft shall test the capsule Orion orbiting the Moon and private US Astrobotic Technology's spacecraft Peregrine shall land rovers on the Moon! 2021 Japan JAXA's spacecraft Slim shall locate a suitable rocket launch site on the Moon. Etc, etc! There is no end of what various criminal space companies on Earth can invent about the Moon. So no surprise SpaceX aims to launch its first cargo mission to planet Mars in 2022 and send people toward the Red Planet just two years after that, i.e. 2024. Those were two of the highlights of the company's current Mars-colonization plan, which SpaceX founder and CEO Elon Musk unveiled early Friday Sept. 29, 2017 at the 68th International Astronautical Congress (IAC) in Adelaide, Australia. However, in a major shakeup at Elon Musk's aerospace company, SpaceX announced Friday 11 January 2019 that it will cut 10 percent of its employees. I cannot understand that anyone takes this Musk clown and his SpaceX company seerious. SpaceX is 100% fantasy. Plenty people of course believe and media publish anything anyway about Moon and Mars trips and there we are. I just laugh at them. When I was a child in the 1950's, I was told about fantastic Soviet sputniks orbiting Earth and finally landing again and, of course, I believed the communist propaganda. What else could I do? But 60+ years later I know better. Only one way satellite trips orbiting Earth are possible. Everything else is impossible, even if Wikipedia suggests that humans are orbiting Earth in LEO right now. No spacecrafts have since travelled to planets anywhere. Spacecrafts can only orbit planet Earth and can never return and land again. Spacecrafts visiting other planets or moons are always Fake News invented by the absurd Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) clowns in California (the latest nonsense is their Space Cube Sats) and similar outfits all over USA assisting the United States NASA to conquer the Universe. But also Europe, Japan, Russia, China and many other countries participate in the hoax. One of China's latest 'space' hoax was 7 December 2018! Then spacecraft Chang'e 4 took off to be catapulted to the Moon, where, after orbiting the Moon, it landed January 2019 at the Moon's south pole, which is out of sight from Earth. Chinese Fake News! One of the fantasy SpaceX latest 'space' hoaxes was 5 December 2018. SpaceX then launched its sixteenth Commercial Resupply Services mission (CRS-16) to the International Fake Station. Liftoff occurred at 1:16 p.m. EST, or 18:16 UTC, from Space Launch Complex 40 (SLC-40) at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida. Spacecraft Dragon was filled with more than 5.600 pounds of supplies and payloads, including critical materials to directly support more than 250 science and research investigations that will occur onboard the orbiting laboratory, we were told. Imagine that!! Dragon separated from Falcon 9's second stage about 10 minutes after liftoff and attached to the space station on 8 December. Of course it was all fake, as usual! You cannot start orbit Earth, and then change this orbit Earth and attach to another object orbiting Earth in another orbit. Same applies going to planet Mars. The ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter, TGO, is an ESA/Roscosmos space hoax! The launch from Earth occurred at 09:31 UTC on 14 March 2016. TGO then travelled to planet Mars! A lander separated from the TGO orbiter on 16 October 2016, three days before it arrived on Mars. Then it started to orbit Mars. The fake trip thus took about 219 days and looked like this. The standards banana shaped nonsense at variable speeds. One objective of the TGO was to find methane on Mars that previous spacecrafts had found. TGO has found nothing, we are told April 2019. Of course the the whole thing is a hoax. The NASA InSight landing on planet Mars 26 November 2018 was another 'space' hoax! The shortest trajectory Earth/Mars is of course straight away from the Sun and not a banana shaped trajectory at variable speeds and directions of the fake trip lasting only 205 days shown below: It is standard space nonsense. To fly from Earth to Mars you must follow a banana shaped trajectory orbiting nothing (or the Sun?) during 205 days changing speeds and directions all the time in space. To go straight from Earth (and the Sun), when Earth is ahead of Mars and arrive at Mars after a month - like going to the Moon in three days - is not possible as agreed by some space clowns long ago. But why go to Mars at all? It is just a desert without atmosphere, water and life. Imagine being locked up in a spaceship during 205 days going to visit a desert ... doing what? Most NASA and Jet Propulsion Laboratory scientists and staff are therefore just cheap, stupid Hollywood actors all dressed alike with violet shirts, black trousers hiding behind computer screens and talking via microphones and head sets and dancing around, when their fake spacecraft has landed. A copy/paste of the foolish Apollo 11 show 1969. I describe the various shows below. The InSight braking from 5 500 m/s to 0 speeds - brake distance 770 000 m - in seven (!) minutes and 0 speed landing on Mars was an impossible joke. Only complete idiots believe in it but media worldwide reported it as an accomplished fact. Fake News as usual! This is my opinion, based on personal research and common sense since 1994. It is also one of my most popular webpage/site, with, say 100's visitors/day since many years. Media presstitutes hate it and will never mention it or link to it Here I show that no human beings have ever been in space and will never be in space. Everything about it is propaganda lies since late 1950's. All is just stupid, simple hoaxes to steal money from the tax payers and create fake jobs etc. It started in the 1950's when some pseudo scientists said human space travel was easy and politicians believed them. An industry was created. All persons, male and female, associated with these human space travel hoaxes since late 1950's are in my opinion criminals guilty of complicity in fraud. People suggesting they trained for years to fly in space and did it are simply paid actors. Imagine it has gone on for >60 years. Fraud is
deliberate deception to secure unfair or unlawful
gain and complicity is the
participation in a completed criminal
act of an accomplice, a partner in the
crime, who aids or encourages
other perpetrators of that crime, and
who shares with them an intent to act to complete
the crime. To confuse people with fake
human space trips is a
crime. One such criminal
is a Swede Christer
Fuglesang,, tel. +468 790 64 65, right. He says he
has orbited Earth several times in a
and that he is a space travel professor at the
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm,
Sweden, teaching scientifically how to fly yourself
in space. Try to contact him. Human space travel is
just stupid nonsense. But Main Stream Media cannot
say so. They just make money out of publishing
Fake News. There are other Swedes around
producing Fake News by scientific fraud. I
mention some here.
They don't like me. They like cheating on behalf of
criminals of all sorts. They assist killing people
not agreeing with them. Sad! Another criminal
is Alain
Charmeau. Who is he?
He works for Arianespace!
He is left below! Doesn't he look stupid? He was
fired from his post recently.
20 October 2018 the latest space hoax ESA Bepi Colombo mission started from Earth to orbit planet Mercury in 2026 assisted by Arianespace! The link is from 14 September 2018. ESA doesn't bother to update it for the simple reason nothing happens until 13 April 2020! Listen: The ESA/JAXA Mercury Composite Spacecraft (MCS) (mass 4.241 kg includes a 1.150 kg Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO), a 275 kg Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (MMO), a Mercury Transfer Module (MTM) and an MMO Sunshield and Interface Structure (MOSIF), we are told. This complete garbage thus departed Earth 20 October 2018 on top of an Arianespace Ariane 5 rocket with a hyperbolic excess velocity of 3.475 km/s to elliptically orbit Earth with the Sun inside the orbit. Imagine that! The MCS therefore, after a turn around the Sun inside/outside the Earth orbit, returns to Earth 13 April 2020 for a first fake inwards gravity assisted kick to quickly arrive at planet Venus 16 October 2020 after half a turn around the Sun for a second fake gravity assisted kick to arrive at Venus again after a turn around the Sun, 11 August 2021, for a third fake inwards gravity assisted kick, now to planet Mercury, where it quickly arrives 2 October 2021 for a fourth fake gravity assisted kick back to Mercury again after two turns around the Sun, where it arrives 23 June 2022 for a fifth fake gravity assisted kick, bla, bla! There are then another four fake gravity assisted kicks at Mercury 20 June 2023, 5 September 2024, 2 December 2024 and 9 January 2025, so that the spacecraft can arrive at Mercury 5 December 2025 at low speed to put the MPO in orbit around Mercury 14 March 2026, bla, bla, etc. You wonder what clowns invent this nonsense! The whole trip is also shown here. The nominal mission then ends on 1 May 2027 and the extended mission ends on 1 May 2028. As gravity assisted kicks are impossible the whole ESA/JAXA mission, incl. the Arianespace launch, is another ridiculous hoax. Media presstitutes have plenty opportunities 2018-2028 to question the ESA/JAXA experts about the long trip and changes of speed and directions by nine fake gravity assisted kicks ... but do not expect any answers. Fake space trips nowadays are only possible by fake gravity assisted kicks and the Japanese have finally joined the show. 11 October 2018 another space hoax took place! Two persons, i.e. actors, were flying in a spacecraft just being launched, rocket of which got damaged! They managed to get out of it and land on Earth safe and sound using a re-entry module. It was three days top headline Fake News worldwide. Media love to publish any such nonsense they are given. All lies of course. 18 September 2018 SpaceX and Lone Skum were also active in the manned space travel hoax: Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa put down a significant deposit with SpaceX to become the first ever private tourist to fly around the moon on the company's Big Falcon Rocket (BFR) Mr. Maezawa is invited to collect €1,000,000:- from me by explaining how he can fly in space! Just paying a deposit is not enough. Lone Skum, also known as Elon Musk, is a complete fantasy figure created by particular interests to steal money from US tax payers. 7 October 2018 at 7:21 p.m. PDT, SpaceX successfully launched the SAOCOM 1A satellite from Space Launch Complex 4E (SLC-4E) at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. The satellite was deployed in LEO about 12 minutes after liftoff, we were told. Following stage separation, Falcon 9's first stage returned (!) to land at SpaceX's Landing Zone 4 (LZ-4) at Vandenberg Air Force Base. This was SpaceX's first land landing on the West Coast. The complete nonsense can be seen here. I am glad to note that US media mainly ignored this shit. Imagine a private rocket launching a satellite into LEO and then landing again after 12 minutes, where it started. Only Lone Skum could have invented it. 12 August 2018 another, recent, unmanned spacecraft hoax took place. The NASA Parker Solar Probe departed Earth 3:31 a.m. hrs EDT. The ESA Solar Orbiter scheduled to be launched 2020 is another hoax. Both spacecrafts will orbit the Sun, we are told. The Parker Solar Probe with mass
635 kg was launched by a Delta
IV-Heavy with Upper Stage
rocket one dark August
night! It can carry
kg into Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit, GTO. As long
as the Upper Stage rocket + the Parker Solar Probe
has mass <14 tons, it will reach GTO at about
36 000 km altitude in about 44 minutes. In GTO
the Upper (third) Stage rocket was then fired for 90
seconds at the right location/direction catapulting the
Parker Solar Probe out of GTO (!) at a final speed of
at least
m/s into a modified orbit
around Earth and (!) the Sun. The start speed
in GTO was only around
m/s, so the 635 kg space craft was given a great,
solid kick to reach the Sun. A basic question is: can
it be done? I doubt it! Over seven years, the Parker
Solar Probe spacecraft will complete 24
orbits of 88 days around the Sun
and will encounter planet Venus seven
timeseach time performing a fake flyby/gravity
assist to slow (!) the
Parker Solar Probe down, so it can pass closer to the
Sun with a minimum approach 2024, we are told.
Imagine that! Planet Venus is orbiting the Sun
at almost constant
m/s speed in 225 days or 10 times until
2024, so it is quite difficult for a space craft to
encounter/collide with fast moving Venus spot on
seven times (out of 24) at the right time/location/direction
in space, so that Venus can slow down the
Parker Solar Probe, which has very variable speeds in
its elliptical orbits. No rocket
scientist can explain how it
is done. Media will not trumpet that it is a hoax!
The Delta-IV Heavy launch
vehicle boosters were running for 5 minutes 36
seconds after lift-off, but two of them were
dropped off already after 3 minutes 58 seconds
flight. The first stage main engine was then
running for 5 minutes 42 seconds and the second
stage main engine for 14 minutes 10 seconds to
arrive at GTO. The third Upper stage rocket
engine was then running for 1 minute 29 seconds to
kick the spacecraft to the Sun. Final speed
and direction of the Parker Solar Probe
after 44 minutes space flight are not
known. NASA cannot even explain how any
spacecraft can leave one orbit
(around Earth) and enter another
(around Sun). Or ... The team completely nailed this
manoeuvre," said APL's Andy Driesman,
Parker Solar Probe project
manager. "Execution of the burn was exceptional,
measuring at less than 0.2 percent magnitude
error-which translates to a 0.3 standard
deviation, or sigma, from optimal. We had
defined success for TCM-1 as up to 3 sigma,
which really illustrates how phenomenally this
was executed." bla, bla, bla! As of 12:00 p.m. EDT on August 20,
Parker Solar Probe was 5.5
million miles from Earth, travelling at
miles per hour
m/s)." So after leaving GTO the
NASA/APL Parker Solar Probe never entered
any orbit
around Earth and the Sun to return at
Earth after a year but went into a high
speed trajectory of some sort -
m/s speed towards planet Venus after
about a week in space and later at much higher
speed close to the Sun. With that speed
during about 192 hrs of flight to Venus the
space craft should have been 7.5 million miles from
Earth ... but it was only 5.5 million miles
... due to a slow start. Here
you see the Parker Solar Probe lifting off a
dark night, in the wrong direction. The Sun
is of course at the other side of the
rotating Earth. The spacecraft shall thus
get out of GTO and turn versus Venus for
seven future flyby/gravity
assists during
24 orbits of the
It looks like the spacecraft will ditch in the
ocean after 30 minutes. Many stupid people believe
that seeing a rocket launch proves the rocket will
reach the target. As soon as you switch off the
spacecraft rocket engines, Earth's gravity will
pull the spacecraft back and reduce its speed. But
if the spacecraft comes close
to the Sun it will really speed up and crash
and burn up on the Sun. ESA Solar Orbiter will have a highly elliptic orbit (around Earth?) - between 0.9AU at aphelion and 0.28AU at perihelion and will reach its operational (?) orbit around the Sun three-and-a-half years after launch by using fake flybys/gravity assists at Earth and Venus, we are told! ESA also cannot explain how any spacecraft can leave one orbit (around Earth) and enter another orbit (around anything else, e.g. the Sun). As flybys/gravity assists are pseudoscience, you can be assured that both spacecrafts are typical NASA and ESA hoaxes based on fake information and Fake News. There is no way you can leave one orbit around Earth and enter 24 different, variable speeds, elliptical orbits around the Sun encountering Venus seven times My findings about human space travel also include a US Space Operations Force to support US Combatant Commands with space war fighters (!) that will save planet Earth 2023 from an asteroid collision. I am certain you haven't heard about it, so you have to read about it here. US president Trump and VP Mike Pence recently directed the establishment of a human Space Force to better protect U.S. vital interests in space. See Final Report on Organizational and Management Structure for the National Security Space Components of the US Department of Defence, August 9, 2018, for details, e.g: First, US DoD will establish a Space Development Agency to develop and field space capabilities at speed and scale. The Air Force has already begun to transform its Space and Missile Center (SMC). The Department will accelerate and extend this transformation to all services by creating a joint Space Development Agency. So when US spacecraft OSIRIS-REx 2020 or 2021 discovers an asteroid on its way to destroy planet Earth 2023 USA is ready to send space war fighters to it and blow it up by an atomic bomb 2023. But let's not go too fast forward of the US space fantasies of space wars, space terrorism, space tourism and space mining industries, bla, bla. USA will thus in the future be protected by six war fighting services: (1) Army, (2), Navy, (3) Air Force, (4) Marine Corps, (5) Coast Guard (part of DHS) and (6) Space Force! One problem remains - how to get Space Force war fighters back to Earth after deployment in space? The info below I have told my own children. And I always tell the truth to my children - three daughters. They are surprised when I say humans cannot fly in space! They have seen US presidents chatting about it with asstronuts on TV, I am told! I tell them it was just Hollywood science fiction! They get confused. Like me 50 years ago. Human, natural intelligence is very easy to manipulate by fake information. Fake information always starts as fake news published by media at the request of authorities. At my website here I present several examples of fake information: August 1945 US media published information to the effect that two small cities in Japan had been destroyed by atomic bombs killing 100.000's of Japanese. The result was that Japan could surrender and that WW2 could be ended without any loss of face. But no atomic bombs exploded anywhere. There are no records of Japanese having been killed by nuclear radiation and weapons. USA faked it! Early Fake News! April 1961 USSR media published information to the effect that a Soviet cosmonaut had orbited Earth in outer space and that the Soviet Union had won the space race against the USA. But no Russian cosmonuts or American astronuts were ever in space. Russia faked it! Fake News! September 1994 Swedish media published information to the effect that an Estonian ferry, M/S Estonia, had sunk in the Baltic killing ~1.000 persons due to the bow visor having fallen off (design fault). But no bow visor fell off anywhere. It was removed from the wreck at the bottom of the sea below water! Sweden faked it! That really, finally, woke me up! September 2001 US media published information to the effect that some Arabs had crashed airplanes into the World Trade Centre at New York City destroying three skyscrapers and killing >3.000 persons. The result was that USA could start and lose wars against terror killing people anywhere that still go on 2019. And USA hasn't won any wars against terror since 2001. And 911 was a US inside job! No Arabs involved. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a new discipline developed to ensure that human fake information can be established as historic facts without further discussions and taught as such at schools and universities. My website is an attempt to show that Artificial intelligence (AI) is nonsense. The more I read about US and European space travel, it seems NASA and ESA are trolling people to see just how much they can get away with. There are major anomalies and lots of red flags everywhere. All persons associated with the NASA/ESA space travel hoax are criminals guilty of complicity in fraud. Fraud is deliberate deception to secure unfair or unlawful gain and complicity is the participation in a completed criminal act of an accomplice, a partner in the crime who aids or encourages other perpetrators of that crime, and who shared with them intent to act to complete the crime. To fool people with fake space trips is a crime. The purpose of this article is also to improve your own thinking! Thinking is the only way to sort facts from fiction, truth from lies. Thinking is the only way to ensure an effective and happy life because it is what leads to considered action, and therefore the realizing of goals, and therefore a sense of being in control of one's life and experiencing self-esteem. Reasons for no human beings in space are simple: human beings cannot
The more I read of the things NASA has said and done, it seems like NASA is trolling people to see just how much they can get away with. There are major anomalies and lots of red flags everywhere. Same with ESA. The US space program run by NASA started in the 1950's and is going strong today and contains one big deception: Human beings in space! No human being has ever been in space. It was and is magic and a hoax every time. Late 1950's USA decided that human beings must fly up and orbit Earth and have a piss there but no logical reason was given ... except that it had not been done before. But the evil, communist Soviets did it before USA 1961, i.e. they faked it first. So the USA had to fake it second. Plenty people think human beings can fly in space because they are taught so at school and media reports the latest fake news of humans in space all the time. But it is Fake News every time! Another smaller deception is that all US robotic space flight outside Earth orbit are also faked. Only simple satellites in Earth orbits exist. Question - why does USA/NASA lie about human beings in space since almost 60 years and create all these magic tricks about it? Easy! Americans are so proud of being first on the Moon, so they believe anything including atomic bombs and Arabs destroying WTC at New York. Listen: Google 'How to go to the toilet
while flying in space to the Moon or planet Mars',
and you will get
results in 0.60 seconds. The one this website gives is on
page 1 but mixed up with nonsense how it is done. Reason is
that Google is programmed to confuse matters
promoting NASA and its 1969 Moon visit/pissing
News. The NASA
served as the principal advisor to the
in science issues and as interface
to the national and international
science community, ensuring that
NASA research programs are
scientifically [sic]
and technologically
[sic] well
founded and are appropriate for their
intended applications. The last one is or was
PhD. It seems she just resigned ... or
gave up ... without being replaced.
She is a real
pseudo scientist that hasn't
got a clue about anything except volcanoes
on planet Venus. Ask her about going to
the toilet in space! Does it include
strapping yourself to it and relieving
yourself upside down? It sounds simple but
without gravity it isn't. It is
bullshit ... like humans in space
...and Ellen herself! It is Fake
News! Ellen is
presently looking after the toilets at
some museum at Washington DC. So why did USA lie about it?
Easy! Propaganda works, costs little and
plenty money is made. Money, money,
money! There are many rockets available
(or planned) today. Their inventors suggest
that they can easily, e.g. carry human
beings to planet Mars but none can even
carry e.g. human beings to the Moon
as NASA said it did 1969 - Apollo
11! Nobody
today seems to know what force (N), how much
fuel (kg) and what type of rocket are
needed to catapult a little, say 44 tons,
3-persons spacecraft out of LEO to the Moon
and how to get that rocket, fuel and spacecraft,
say total 339 tons, into LEO in the first
place. The next problem is to burn 100's of tons of
fuel to get out of LEO at the right time in
the right direction. 1969 it was just
propaganda. It never happened. Latest examples include China's
March 5 that can
carry 23 tons to LEO, 13 tons to GTO and 8.2
tons to TLI. USA have plenty
rockets; SpaceX
Falcon 9 - can carry
22.8 tons to LEO, 8.3 tons to GTO and 4.02
tons to planet Mars. SpaceX
Falcon Heavy can
carry 63.8 tons to LEO, 26.7 tons to GTO,
16.8 tons to planet Mars and 3.5 tons to planet
Pluto. SpaceX
BFR can carry
250 tons to LEO (if it will be
built). Vulcan
(ULA) can carry
15.1/23.0 tons to GTO. New
Glenn can carry
45.0 tons to LEO and 13 tons to GTO.
can carry 70/130 tons to LEO (if it will be
built) and shall put the NASA Orion
spacecraft in orbit of the Moon.
is funny. Europe's
6 can carry 20
tons to LEO, 12 tons to GTO and 7 tons to SSO.
But you need much more capacity to put a
comfortable (heavy) spaceship for humans + fuel
into LEO to blast off into space going, e.g. to
planet Mars. Anyway, human space
travel anywhere is impossible today or ever! I
explain it below. But first a history
lesson! If you are European, you should
today ask the European
Space Agency, ESA,
how they get their astronuts back to Earth after a
trip in space! Try their frequently
asked questions. No
reply! Or ask the ESA Director General
J D Wörner!
No reply! A German, Herr Alexander
Gerst has
been in space several times, he says. Ask
how he has gotten or will get back on Earth doing a
re-entry. No reply! Why is that? All persons
associated with the ESA space travel hoax are
criminals guilty of complicity in
fraud. Fraud is deliberate
deception to secure unfair or unlawful gain and
complicity is the participation in a
completed criminal act of an accomplice, a partner
in the crime who aids or encourages other
perpetrators of that crime, and who shared with
them intent to act to complete the crime. To fool
people with fake space trips is a crime. But it
started a long time ago. Two
US Presidents and Stalin and
Khrushchev Two US
(Roosevelt and Truman) met the USSR
gangster dictator Stalin three times
1943/5 to agree ending WW2 using
assets and
lies - Fake News - of a secret,
fantasy a-bomb. After WWII the nuclear
weapons propaganda fakery/lies
became, assisted by media, historic
Truth at small cost. Imagine that -
the 1945 atomic bombs were a hoax
invented by Roosevelt,
Truman and crazy scientists of all
kind. Two other US
presidents, Eisenhower and
Kennedy, then met the USSR dictator
Khrushchev four times
1955/61 to agree a joint, 100% fake
space race using fake news
described below. After the
1961 and Glenn
1962 hoaxes, fantasy human
space travel also became
historic Truth invented by
other scientists. US presidents
Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy,
Johnson and Nixon lied
about the situation in Vietnam and got
away with it until the Pentagon
Papers were
published 1971. Media still have
not reported the atomic bomb
and human space travel
hoaxes. Several US presidents
finally met various USSR leaders 19 times
1967/91 to agree fake ICBMs and
other arms agreements. Details of all
secret nuclear weapons,
space race, ICBMs and other arms fantasies
were easy to hide by US presidential,
executive privileges and
national security reasons.
The world lived in a mist of fear
and secret lies. Politicians of all
sorts love selling fear. It is the
only way to remain in power. The American public is very easy
to fool using propaganda. Most
Americans believe some Arabs attacked USA 9/11 2001
and destroyed the World
Trade Centre, NY,
etc, that US presidents Clinton, Bush, Obama
and Trump have lied about. Of course
structure does not collapse into
dust from top
down by gravity according to the Björkman
Axiom. Many people wonder today,
why I do not believe in human space travel.
Once I believed in honest people. But 1994 a
ship, M/S
Estonia, sank in the
Baltic sea killing ~1 000 people. Safety at
sea is my business and I was asked to look into it.
Why did the ship sink? The authorities - Swedish
prime minister Carl Bildt - informed at once
that the bow visor had fallen off in extreme
weather, nobody noticed it and sea water had
entered the ship ... so it sank. Otherwise the ship
was in perfect condition and seaworthy, it was
later announced. It was a design fault, bla, bla,
bla. The nonsense was presented in a Final Report
1997 and confirmed by scientific
[sic] research
2005/8 by, i.a. my old university,
University of
Technology. My
findings were different. The ship was neither
seaworthy nor in good condition. It sank due to
hull leakage, probably due to sabotage. The
bow visor was removed from the wreck, under water,
by the Swedish Navy, where I had done my military
service 25 years earlier. Small world. My findings
were not popular and censored by media. My
university that
assisted in the cover-up with false research took
me off their register. Luckily I live happily in
the south of France away from it all. It is very easy to falsify
history by disinformation and criminal people in
charge of all sorts of ... science
[sic] and just
killing people in the know! US
presidents - Bush 1, Clinton, Bush 2, Obama,
Trump - and Russian
dictators met
numerous times 1991/2018 to agree their
fear relations based on propaganda, lies and
Fake News. Again details of the
secret agreements are easy to hide by
US presidential, executive
privileges. Not to forget! The purpose of the
secrecy is to allow US presidents to
fool the American people and to waste money on
arms, wars and space using worthless, lying
scientists of all kind, while Russia/USSR just
watched and didn't spend a kopek. This cosy time is now maybe
gone. American politicians have suddenly
become afraid of Russia and want to take
control away from the President and punish Russia.
They haven't understood the fear hoax!
July 2017 the U.S.
Senate voted 98-2 to
apply sanctions against Russia based on nothing but
unproven allegations that Russia exercised improper
influence over the 2016 US presidential
election. The U.S.
House of
voted 419-3 on the same bill
- Russia Sanctions Review Act of
2017 - a little earlier. The bill ties
the hands of the President by giving Congress the
final say over sanctions and any relations
concerning Russia. The Congress doesn't know about
the old, secret fear agreements with
Russia/USSR. Of course the US President may veto
the decisions and ignore the Congress. Only a clown
like Trump would do it. It is a great
show! I do not take US fear
presidents' shows serious since 1946. Maybe it is time for
Russia today to finally announce that all
info, i.e. lies, about human space travel
and nuclear
weapons incl. ICBMs
were fakery from the beginning? We will
see. In the meantime, October 26,
2017, the Pope
Francis spoke with
the fake asstronuts on the ISF! Media didn't
make a big story about the nonsense. Maybe they had
read this?
To know or understand that you
have been duped about atomic bombs and human
space travel for so long may be a real trauma for
plenty people. It is called cognitive
dissonance. Many people suffering from it
contact me and are obnoxious. But many are
grateful. |
tricks and pseudoscience All
information since
1958 that humans can fly
in space using fantasy astrospacedynamic
tricks is pseudoscience
and propaganda invented or made up by
German, Russian and American (and other)
astrophysicists, cosmoclowns and astronots on
Earth, i.e. a practice which does not adhere to the
method. There is no
evidence of anything! No
spacecraft of any kind can carry enough fuel for
any trip anywhere in space and
return safely to
Earth. Most ordinary people today are
then brain washed from birth by MSM and
Hollywood to believe that
human space travel is possible
and has taken place, i.e. that
humans can take off from our
planet Earth in a spacecraft that first
orbits Earth, then accelerates out of the
orbit into a trajectory and arrives
at and brakes, lands and stops on the Moon
1969 or planet Mars
2025 or (right)
regularly docks with the International
(Fake) Space Station
orbiting Earth since many years and takes
off again and returns to Earth. Most people simply do not
understand that only one-way launches
of un-manned satellites into orbits around
Earth are possible. One such un-manned satellite is
the fake ISS that can be regularly
observed from Earth.
It is just a very big silver balloon! Maybe the
size of asteroid Bennu (see below). All
other satellites are too small to see by naked
eyes. There is no possibility to send
away such satellites or spacecrafts further into
space away from Earth orbit
to, e.g. Moon, orbit the Sun
or to reach planets (Mars, etc) or comets and to
stop and land there and to blast off again and
return. Fake photo
of astronuts orbiting planet Earth every 90 minutes
at 7.000
m/s speed building the International
Fake Station
- half of the time in darkness. The photo is made
in a swimming pool! There are therefore no
videos of any astronots doing anything
extravehicular, e.g. screwing together a new IFS
module or repairing an antenna, as the light and
background should change all the time. It cannot be
faked in a swimming pool. Only still photos are
provided. The asstronut actors are just hanging on
not to float up or upside down in the swimming
pool. The background is pasted in. In the
swimming pool the water pressure is higher
than inside the IFS. To pass from the dry, air
filled IFS into the external swimming pool any
astronut must pass through an air lock! If the IFS
was in space, the asstronut must pass into zero
pressure external vacuum, which is different from
entering into a higher pressure swimming pool.
There are therefore no NASA videos available how to
get in and out of the IFS in a swimming pool or in
vacuum space. NASA
couldn't fake
it. How to dock with the International Space Station (ISS)
The International (Fake) Space Station is orbiting Earth at say ~7.000 m/s speed day and night and it is one example of a NASA hoax. You on Earth yourself can easily spot the ISS with your own eyes, if you happen to be below it. I have myself seen the ISS pass above me at Nice from West to East - between Nice to Rome - to my friend at Rome, Italy several times. The passing up in the sky takes say 8 minutes. The ISS is quite fast up there in the sky. Most of the other times the orbitig ISS is far away from any inhabited locations. If something goes wrong up at it, there is no way to dock at it and quickly assist. Most time the ISS is thus far away from inhabited places on Earth. But who cares? No Space X Dragon crew capsule can quickly be sent up to the ISS to assist, in an emergcny. It will always be in the wrong location and can never ever dock with the ISS. A docking with the ISS in the sky must be planned on ground long before the ISS passes above. It thus only happens in Hollywood studios! Only complete idiots believe in the ISS! I have found a short video how a NASA/SpaceX Crew Dragon is docking with ISS! It is all automatic! Suddenly the Dragon is close to the ISS and 24 persons behind screens on the ground connect the Dragon to the ISS, while the ISS people look on. When and where the Dragon took off from Earth straight up at 0 speed and when it managed to reach and steer parallell with the ISS at ~7.000 m/s speed and high altitude and same direction a little later is never explained. How can the Dragon steer and change speed in space and approach the ISS? It is a joke! Everytime! It never happens! There are however many other ways to go to the Moon ... if you have the fuel for it, but you always in an orbit ... around Earth until you get out of it. More or less straight. Curved. Or very curved. All depends on how, when and where you start from the initial, circular orbit Earth rotating around itself and orbiting the Sun at the same time and the rocket force suddenly applied to reach the moving target orbiting Earth in an elongated orbit. All trajectories in orbits have different distances, variable speeds and directions and will take different times to execute ... while the Moon is moving orbiting Earth far away at constant speed. There are many possible spacecraft trajectories in orbits between two moving heavenly bodies like, e.g., the rotating Earth (360°/24 hrs) orbiting the Sun at 29 900 m/s velocity in a year and Moon orbiting Earth at less than 1 100 m/s velocity in 28 days or the ISS. If you manage to change your circular orbit around Earth towards the Moon or the ISS (make it elongated), while accelerating from 7.500 to 11 200 m/s velocity in original orbit, there are various more or less straight, curved or very curved new orbits in the same plane to reach the Moon or what ever (the ISS?). Of course, initially, after switching off your rocket engine, the trajectory is straight, but the gravity force of the moving Earth will change your direction in the new, elongated orbit. Regardless, if you start in the wrong direction or out of plane, you will miss the moving target at the other end completely and be ... dead! The spacecraft velocity is reduced immediately after entering the new, elongated orbit due to Earth gravity and the direction relative Earth towards Moon/ISS is changed all the time going to location "X", i.e. arrival times differ depending on trajectory chosen. At moving location "X" you leave your orbit around Earth because Moon gravity pulls the spacecraft towards the Moon (if you are in the vicinity) at increased speed and you have to brake to avoid crashing! If there is no Moon there, you will drop back to Earth again ... and continue another orbit. It is not easy to get away from orbiting Earth! The extra force to get started to change Earth orbit from circular to elongated must be applied at high speed in orbit at the right (1) time, (2) location, (3) direction, (4) duration, (5) strength and so on. No rocket can do it. The resulting trajectory and your location in it are always unpredictable. You are going too fast in orbit to start with and as soon as the force is not applied any longer, Earth and Sun gravity forces will pull you back and change your direction and velocity. More about orbits below. Another reason is the so called NASA/ESA astrophysicists and astronuts claiming they know how to do it and having done it. I name them below. Look at them! Lying Clowns! Lying Astro Actors! You too can become an asstronut actor! Just visit NASA-seeks-explorers-for-future-space-missions or https://www. or https://www. and find out how. The web pages are quite confusing to say the least and, please note, that the FY 2016 request of $1 243.8 million for commercial crew is critical to the employment program execution; if less funding is received, NASA will need to delay milestones for employees and providers, resulting in possible contract cost adjustments and delays in certification, etc, etc. You will be well paid to lie, if employed! But only if money is available. People, mostly actors, failed scientists soldiers, lying about human space travel are paid US$ 10.000:- or €9.000:-/month for life. It is explained further down in this long article. The reasons why humans cannot travel in space and must lie about it are very simple. A spacecraft can never get away from the orbit around Earth, enter a trajectory in space away from Earth and later stop and land on the Moon or Mars (or a comet!) or even dock with another spacecraft at high speed in another orbit! Basic! And it or a capsule cannot return, re-enter, and land on Earth later. It is going too fast. Gravity forces are too strong. No means to brake, re-enter and land! No spacecraft of any kind can carry enough fuel for any trip anywhere in space and return safely to Earth. And no human being can be locked up for many years inside a spacecraft or habitat doing a boring return trip to Mars. And then there is the cosmic radiation! Nasty stuff! But as Russian, American and European space travel experts lie through their noses since the 1950's that humans can easily fly in space and schools, universities, academies of sciences and MSM transmit this message all the time, it is difficult to accept that you have been fooled and taken to the cleaners. Here is a typical example ... pure propaganda: ![]() Main stream media publish anything they are told by lying scientists without checking, if it is true or possible. It is standard propaganda! Plenty magic tricks Houdini style and jokes are used. Clever inventions. Dangerous things! Lives are of course often at stake when human space flights are done! Not a true word though. Lies all of it. Stupid science fiction. No one has died doing these magic trips! Great dramas with crying parents having lost their astronut children are part of the show. Start reading my A B C D E below why human space trips are impossible! It is easy reading. Easy to understand. Then tell your friends about it. But why not start with the NASA September 2016/December 2018 joke? An asteroid visit! It is a small part of a bigger hoax: the US Department of Defence hoax about a US Space Operations Force to support US Combatant Commands with space war fighters that will save planet Earth 2023 from an asteroid collision.