Media and readers of
my articles about atomic
bombs 1945,
trips 1969,
M/S Estonia
ferry incident
1994 and 911
tower top down terrorist
2001 are warned. You probably suffer from
and cannot handle my information without getting
mentally disturbed with serious
consequences. My proven
facts are simple and correct and good news. A-bombs
do not work. Humans cannot travel to the
Moon. M/S Estonia didn't lose her bow visor.
Skyscrapers do not collapse from top down.
All information to the contrary is pseudoscience,
propaganda lies or fantasies promoted by
media and taught at universities. And
if you do not agree with the official lies, you
will not be allowed at the university boat race*
and other silly events, etc. Your position in
society is at risk. If you suffer from
you no doubt find my info disturbing and get upset,
angry, anxious or worried. What to believe and
write? Old lies or truth? Media incl.
newspaper chief editors are kindly requested to get
psychological assistance to get rid of their
Why not cure yourself? And publish the result
as a scoop. *Safety at sea is
my business (a) IN
GENERAL.- Congress affirms that the authority of
the President to use all necessary and
appropriate force pursuant to the Authorization
for Use of Military Force (Public Law 107-40; 50
U.S.C. 1541 note) includes the authority
for the Armed Forces of the United States to
detain covered persons (as defined in
subsection (b)) pending disposition under the
law of war. (b)
COVERED PERSONS. - A covered person under this
section is any person as
follows: (1) A
person who planned, authorized, committed, or
aided the
terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11,
or harbored those responsible for those
attacks. (2) A
person who was a part of or substantially
supported al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated
forces that are engaged in hostilities against
the United States or its coalition partners,
including any person who has committed a
belligerent act or has directly supported such
hostilities in aid of such enemy
forces. National
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year
2012 It would
appear Prof. Bazant and others mentioned below
are covered persons to be detained as per above
US law as they suggest and support the false
idea that flying planes into weak tops of towers
will cause the structural destruction of the
strong bottoms of the towers. You wonder why
they are still at large. Is the President or
military sleeping? Like the FBI? I will explain
more at the Engineering
Mechanics Institute conference at
IL, USA, early August, 2013 |
11 September 2021 it was twenty years since US terrorists destroyed the complete WTC-complex at New York 'live on (faked) TV' and blamed it, without evidence, on another party - Usama Bin Laden and al-Qaeda - some Arabs hiding in a cave somewhere. 7 October 2001, the US Global War On Terror started and is still on with millions killed. The US terrorists, apart from now having lost the War On Terror overlooked one important matter: No structure or tower can be destroyed by gravity from above initiated by local structural failures up top caused, e.g. by a plane and fire. It is further explained at 1.18.50 in DVD2 - a film about the 911 incident. In order to fool the public the US terrorists asked (1) Hollywood to produce a movie showing the WTC towers being stricken by planes and collapsing (sic) progressively by gravity from top down, etc, that the US terrorists then (2) broadcasted 'live on TV' assisted by US media. |
![]() Photo by Thomas Nilsson - The above initiation of the destruction of WTC2 on 911, i.e. top part tilting and dropping, smoke and debris being ejected, etc., is not possible because structures cannot break down like that ... by gravity. The photo, incl. tree in front, building right, smoke glued to a tilting top in center, etc, is a fake (produced in Hollywood). Thomas Nilsson should be detained as a covered person! |
As the rubble would reveal how the towers really were destroyed the area was fenced off and faked pictures of the rubble itself were also made and published. Many persons get very upset of the thought that all footage of the 9/11 NY WTC destructions are fake. These persons must like the Anders Björkman Challenge! The Federal Bureau of Investigation, FBI, is also supporting the US terrorists and will not, after several contacts, review the below information. I have asked them several times. In the decade since the 9/11 attacks, the FBI's intelligence program has tripled in size, and FBI analysts work around the world - from the war zone in Afghanistan to the White House Situation Room - covering up the Truth about 911. However, a simple fact remains: No structure or tower can be destroyed by gravity from top down initiated by local structural failures up top, i.e. that the weak top crushes the strong bottom. |
The above picture has been made by a scientist suggesting weak tops of any structure crushes the bottoms of same structure keeping the tops up. This person should be detained as a covered person! |
The FBI has miserably failed the Anders Björkman Challenge 1. Dave
does not understand that the impact
force is of very short duration and the
energy content is only that of the
released potential energy that cannot even
buckle the top of a kitchen scale or demolish a
grain of rice in a bag of rice. What
happens is that the impact force
is transmitted to ground, while the
scale/structure in between is elastically
compressed. An identical impact
force is applied to the moving top (or
bag of rice) that is likewise elastically
compressed (actually friction between the rice
corns absorbs all the energy) during the short
duration of the impact. Dave
shows in the second part of his paper an
animation of one WTC tower destruction, where
the tower itself is erased manually and smoke
and debris are added - it look like a fountain.
It is a simple trick film prepared in advance to
be broadcast live on TV to
brainwash the US population that
believes anything shown on TV. The towers were
in the meantime destroyed from bottom up.
I have asked Dave several times to drop a bag C of rice on 9 bags A of rice to destroy the nine bags A of rice and invite media to have a look but ... John Geohegan also of NMSR thinks one mass impacting one, two, three masses attached to a rod is the solution but forgets that the rod and the masses remain intact. Only some tooth picks broke. The Anders Björkman Challenge 1 has been open since March 2010 and there is still - September 2020 - 126 months and >80.000+ downloads of this page later - no successful Challenger/structure! The prize is € 1 000 000:-. Come on terrorists and salary slaves! And why not US President D. Trump himself. Show that you are really smart and and competent can destroy strong skyscrapers' bottoms and similar structures by flying light aluminium planes into the weak tops of steel and concrete. Do not try to fool me with fake animations 'live on TV'! And do not tell me that USA (1st May 2011) killed a man that did it 9+ years ago! Prove it in a legal court and do not kill people without trial. Both Obama and Osama have failed the Anders Björkman Challenge 1! The US terrorists are still free and around in USA to attack again. While FBI sleeps. Click here - Anders Björkman Challenge 1 - for details about it.
The Anders Björkman Challenge 2 about a trip in space with humans aboard to the Moon and planet Mars with a safe return on Earth, Anders Björkman Challenge 3 about how to produce steam and/or electric energy by fusion, Anders Björkman Challenge 4 about atomic bombs or what they are (dummies?), Anders Björkman Challenge 5 about how to knock off a bow visor from a ropax ferry without anybody noticing and Anders Björkman Challenge 6 about how to analyze data from planet Mars are described at other web pages. Just click on the links above.