Gravity is force that attract masses. The trajectory of a spacecraft flying between planets Earth and Mars is orbiting Earth in vacuum space is governed by the gravity forces of the planets in the vicinity and the Sun and by forces applied by its own rocket engine and it cannot be predicted as speeds, distances, directions and gravity forces change all the time. It is basic astrophysics! You don't know where you are. Betelgeuse is one of the largest stars visible to the naked eye from our planet Earth. It is billion times bigger/heavier than our Sun. It is my favourite star in the Universe. I can see it from my window without any James Webb space telescope. If the Betelgeuse star were at the center of our Solar System, its surface would lie beyond the asteroid belt and it would engulf the orbits of Mercury, Venus and Mars. It's mass is billions times bigger than that of our Sun's. Imagine that. Imagine trying to travel from Earth to the vicinity of Betelgeuse. It is pretty big and you cannot miss it! But from a distance it looks small. A comet
orbits the Sun - here seen from Earth
1911 An orbit
is just a gravitational, normally curved
path of an object A around
another object B in space, i.e. a path
followed by one heavenly body A, e.g. a
planet, a moon or an artificial satellite
around another planet or the
Sun, object B, without any power
used. The gravity forces between
A and B are always in balance. The
orbit can be circular or
elliptical. A
orbit is around Earth (all
objects ejected from Earth orbit
Earth!), a
heliocentric orbit is
around the Sun, e.g. the planets Mercury,
Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturnus, Neptunus,
various comets, etc. As they have not been
ejected from the Sun, it is not clear how
they started to orbit the Sun. But by
observation we can see that they apparently
orbit the Sun. Normally the mass of object
A being ejected into orbit (e.g. a
satellite or spacecraft) is much smaller than
the mass of object B (e.g. Earth)
that A orbits. How the planets and asteroids
started to orbit the Sun is, as already
said, not known. We only know, by observation,
that planets and comets orbit the Sun and
that our Moon orbits Earth. If
asteroids exist is another question.
Maybe NASA just invented them too?
the fast Low Light Level photon detectors (SiPM, PMT, hybrid PMT), SENSE EU supported project for the EU Roadmap for the improved photon sensors, Astro Particle Physics with the TAIGA multiple component detector, including the small array of 4m class IACTs, the surface and underground muon detectors and the 'HiSCORE' detectors have observed things - photons - that behave strangely. And Razmik is supported by Mathieu Jacobé de Naurois!
He is an expert of gamma ray astronomy, which is the most violent phenomena of the Universe. Ultra fast, invisible photons!! It came to him by chance, during a meeting, in 1996, with Eric Paré who would become his thesis director. Listen! New technical possibilities (ultra-fast electronics and computer processing) finally made possible the exploration of a Universe, invisible to classical instruments, but predicted for decades. In retrospect, he was extremely lucky to be among the first humans to look at what he would call a new continent. He will never forget in particular the excitement, after long nights of work in Namibia, to finally see the first signals of photons emitted millions of years ago. Imagine that! A stupid Frenchman seeing invisible photons emitted millions of years ago!!! In Namibia! But wait ... In 2022 the Cherenkov Telescope Array, CTA, at Chile will see relativistic cosmic particles (sic) after €400.000.000:- investments! CTA will seek to understand the impact of high-energy particles in the evolution of cosmic systems and to gain insight into the most extreme and unusual phenomena in the Universe. CTA will search for annihilating dark matter particles (sic) and deviations from Einstein’s theory of relativity and even conduct a census of particle acceleration in the Universe. There are plenty people inventing incredible things about the Solar system. To complicate matters, when our planet Earth orbits the Sun in our solar system (or the other way around), it passes at regular intervals streams of cosmic debris called meteoroids. (When meteoroids enter Earth's atmosphere (or that of another planet, like Mars) at high speed and burn up, the fireballs or “shooting stars” are called meteors. When a meteoroid survives a trip through the atmosphere and hits the ground, it's called a meteorite). They are like cosmic particles with mass and high speed on parallel trajectories and thus they do not orbit anything. They produce visible meteor showers in the sky, when they burn up in the Earth's atmosphere around midnight or land. The origin of these meteoroids is not known but it is probably from outside our solar system. No astronomer on Earth can explain them except that they are not dark matter particles and that they do not orbit anything. Imagine that! They start somewhere and after a long trip in the Universe they burn up in our atmosphere in front of us! End of story!
Ever heard of Ultima
Thule? The Ultima Thule
assteroid orbits the Sun in
298 years at average 44.54 AU, i.e.
it is 44.54 times further away from the
Sun than Earth. It is outside planet
Pluto that orbits the Sun at only
average 39.5 AU distance, we are
told. There have been few to no
disruptive impacts on funny Ultima
Thule (picture left)
since it was formed 4.5 billion years ago,
we are told, so the details of its formation
have been preserved. It was discovered on 26 June
2014 by fake/criminal astronomer
Buie using
the fake Hubble Space
Telescope, so you can be sure it and everything
else are 100% fantasy and don't exist. Marc
has found 1 000's of minor planets and
assteroids orbiting the Sun or his own
asshole - all fake of
course. All orbits
can be predicted, as an object in any
orbit returns to where it once was;
the trajectory of an
orbit is closed and the gravity
forces are known and in balance. The object
A just goes round and around object B
in the orbit - forever! Speeds,
locations and directions vary all the time.
How to put a simple satellite A into circular orbit in space around Earth/B? You use a rocket! The rocket thus lifts, accelerates, directs through the atmosphere and finally lobs satellite A into the required orbit in space, i.e. high above the Earth atmosphere. At the right altitude and tangential speed the rocket engine is shut off and satellite A is lobbed into final orbit, while the rocket + engine drop down on Earth again and burns up, when re-entering the atmosphere. Complicated stuff! Timing is essential. Final constant velocity of satellite A at the right altitude in the circular orbit must be tangential and of the right order. If too slow satellite A will drop back on Earth, if too fast the orbit becomes elliptic. The equipment inside satellite A must be solid and robust. Satellite A spends half its time in low altitude, fast speed orbits exposed to the Sun and heats up. The other time is in the shade and satellite A cools down. If satellite A orbits Earth far above the equator in 24 hours at slow speed and great altitude, so satellite A is always above the same location on Earth - geostationary orbit, it is exposed to the Sun all the time, as the shade is smaller - no Earth acting as a parasol! The United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, plenty idiots, incorrectly believed 2019 that "the Earth's orbital space environment constitutes a finite resource". Actually there are unlimited numbers of ways to orbit Earth and the probability of any object orbiting Earth will collide with another object orbiting Earth is 0! Imagine that the United Nations do not know the basics of Earth's orbits! All objects leaving Earth always orbit Earth and do not collide with anything. No object or spacecraft starting from Earth can steer away from a geocentric orbit (around Earth) to a heliocentric orbit (around Sun), unless an internal or external force is applied to it at the right moment, location, direction, duration and size in original orbit. It makes any space travel between planets impossible. You cannot simply jump from one orbit (around Earth) to another (around the Sun or the Moon). You cannot carry the fuel/energy/force with you! "Experts" suggest that changing orbits are possible by, e.g. gravity assists/flybys of other planets, e.g. a spacecraft starts in an Earth orbit, encounters another planet or Earth again and is kicked into a new orbit around that planet. It is utter nonsense and the foundation of all NASA lies about space travel.
Do we know that orbits are real? Yes! Galileo Galilei observed already 7 January 1610 how moons orbited planet Jupiter. Galilei also studied the moons orbiting planet Saturn. It upset plenty people at the time including the holy Pope, God's representative on Earth! His holiness maintained that he, Rome and the Earth were the center of the Universe. He could not accept that small moons orbited Jupiter and Saturn. Newton has later explained why small moons can orbit planets - see Newton's third law.
Römer, a clever Dane, also observed the moons orbiting Jupiter and their passing behind and in front of Jupiter and noted that these events started and ended at different times, when Jupiter was closer to and further away from Earth in space. As these events were signalled by light, Römer calculated the speed of light, c, through space! Previously people thought, that events happened when taking place regardless of time and location of observer. If something happens on Jupiter at noon, it happens on Earth much later, as the info only spreads at the speed of light through space from Jupiter to Earth. We on Earth can see our Moon orbiting our planet Earth during a certain time. Earth doesn't orbit the Moon because the Moon is too small. A tail of a dog does not wag the dog. I can from my own window on Earth see planets Mars and Jupiter orbiting the Sun. Both are lit up by the Sun. Mars has two moons and Jupiter plenty moons. Just watch yourself! The NASA/ESA spacecraft Cassini allegedly discovered two new Saturn moons 2004 after a strange space flight starting from Earth 1997, variable speed/direction trajectory/orbit of which passed the orbits of planets Venus and Jupiter around the Sun, when respective planets also happened, magically, to be there for a close encounter. The Cassini trip was 100% fantasy! A man made spacecraft starting from Earth cannot flyby planets and study local moons. I am a great fan of Galilei. 1610 there was no need for him to invent anything. He just observed and described orbits in space that anyone can see from Earth. Newton explained the physics/mechanics/dynamics of orbits later.
15. It is difficult to change orbits A man made spacecraft initially orbiting Earth will always orbit Earth until the force of some other heavenly body, e.g. the Moon or the Sun, takes over, so you start orbiting that body or crash on it. But it is very difficult to change one orbit, e.g. around Earth, and enter another orbit, e.g. around the Moon or the Sun. To do so you have to apply plenty force/energy to your spacecraft at the right altitude, location, time, direction, duration and size in space to get out of or modify the first, circular orbit around Earth, while still orbiting Earth, and then apply other force/energy to, after a while, enter a new orbit around Mars, the Moon, the Sun or whatever. In my opinion, no man-made spacecraft can carry enough fuel/energy, equipment, crew, etc, to apply a force to itself to change orbit and later to return to the original orbit! Just going to the Moon and back requires four big changes in orbit, + a landing and a take off from the Moon. Example Apollo 11! For a spacecraft just to reach the moving Moon from a high speed, low altitude, circular orbit around Earth, it has to modify its original, circular, constant speed orbit around Earth into an elliptical or eccentric one that will pass the Moon that orbits Earth, from which the Moon can attract the spacecraft at a location "X" in space. To do so the spacecraft must apply a force to change its orbit from circular to elliptical/eccentric. When arriving at "X", another force must be applied to the spacecraft for it to leave elliptical orbit Earth and to start orbiting the Moon, it is said. I know it cannot be done! Any journalist reporting new space trips anywhere should really ask, how it is done by any space traveller, either on board or remotely from Earth. Or is everything automatic navigation by computers? If so, who wrote the software?
The arrival time at "X" varies depending on the departure direction, speed, time and location out of circular orbit, the variable speed trajectory chosen and you have to be sure that the Moon is there, when you arrive at "X". The positions/tangential speeds/change of directions of a body in any geo-orbit can be determined/predicted. But ... how, when, where to leave geo-orbit at location "X", what force to apply, in what direction to start a new Moon-orbit?
16. Massachusetts Idiotic Technichians Nobody knows in spite of MIT, Massachusetts Institute of (bad) Technology, of Boston saying it did it in the 1950's! It was Fake News then ... and today. There are no ways to calculate the arrival time at and location at "X"! Ask Google how to fly to the Moon and you get no serious replies. Of course it is suggested that many spacecrafts have travelled to the Moon since the 1960's but ... they are all Fake News! But don't worry! If you miss "X" and the Moon, you still orbit Earth and will return close to Earth after a while. But only to start another geo-orbit in space! Actually, there is no way to get out of any orbit and land on Earth - a re-entry - described further below. Planets Venus and Mars (and other planets, comets and asteroids) orbit the Sun in our heliocentric system since billions of years without any assistance. Nobody knows how it started. The Sun today orbits Earth in about 365 days at about 29 800 m/s tangential velocity and 360°/year change of direction. The Earth also rotates around itself at the north/south poles 360°/24 hrs. Above the Earth North pole is the Polaris star in our 3D solar system (the Milky way galaxy). It is 360-580 light-years further up and above (nobody knows), perpendicular from Earth orbiting the Sun and therefore always, an almost fixed (sic) point/star in the sky above the North Pole and perfect for navigation at sea, on ground and in the air, even if Earth rotation axis is tilted 23.5° relative the Earth/Sun orbital plane. Currently Polaris is extremely well suited to mark the position of the north celestial pole, as Polaris is a moderately bright star with a visual magnitude of 2.1 (variable), and it is located about one degree from the pole. Anyone can see it! The Sun is only 0.000015812507 light-years from Earth.
From my window on Earth planet Mars is sometimes seen outside and behind the Sun orbiting the Sun inside Mars at a certain time, but sometimes I have to look the other way to see Mars from Earth, when Earth is between Mars and Sun. Reason is different orbit times and locations of observations. It is well established by simple observation. Question remains what orbits what! There are excited and enthusiastic people, friends (?) of mine, beliving today 2022 that the Sun and planet Mars are a binary couple of celestial objects orbiting each other with Earth more or less stationary in between or something similar. Venus and Mercury are moons of the Sun. Maybe Earth was another moon of the Sun that got stuck between the Sun and Mars by pure luck by electro-magnetic forces in a mysterious plasma field a long time ago? In the TYCHOS solar system planet Earth is located at/near the barycenter of our Sun-Mars binary duo; Earth rotates around its axis once daily and revolves at about 1 mph around its circular Polaris-Vega-Polaris (PVP) orbit once every 25344 solar years. Polaris and Vega are the two most notable Northern stars under which Earth transits in the course of its 25344-year journey, commonly-known as the “precession of the equinoxes”. Jupiter, Saturnus, Uranus and Pluto and comets orbit the Sun. It is the Simon-Shack-Tychos model below: I (Simon Shack) will uphold my "bold" yet well-grounded assertion that the TYCHOS is the most viable and accurate model of our solar system ever devised.
That partly sunk cruise ship, stranded on some rocks, was 2014 raised and removed, i.e. towed from the Giglio island rocks to Genoa, Italy, put in drydock 2016, the hull was repaired and ... the always not seaworthy ship was towed to sea again and completely sunk 2017. It is the biggest marine insurance fraud ever - US$1 500 000 000:- !!!. Media do not care about it. The Master was found guilty of everything and is in jail until 2028! The ship was used to carry drugs from America to Europe and was sabotaged! But media cannot report it, as it will upset particular interests like the ship and drug owners, authorities and insurances. I have tried to contact Simon recently about it but ... no replies! His house outside Rome and him was apparently raided by police and Simon was arrested May/June 2022. Maybe it was the Vatican police? Back to orbits around Earth or whatever, e.g. that stars and planets orbits each other when orbiting black holes, bla, bla, bla, with no fixed referenc in the Universe. Most people agree that you cannot predict or calculate a trajectory of any man made spacecraft moving in a variable or non-uniform gravity field in a heliocentric planetary system, even if a fixed reference point exists. It means, of course, that all space trips outside Earth orbit are faked-up, invented fantasies and manipulations. Travel in 3D space is not a pleasant 2D cruise at sea, where you navigate by sipping champagne and looking at the Sun, Moon, stars relative the Earth horizon and your clock ... or GPS ... and charts. It seems nobody at NASA, ESA or people assisting Elon Musk can predict a simple trajectory Earth/Moon or Mars and what departure force to apply at what direction and how much fuel is burnt and at what arrival speed, direction and time to arrive at a location "X" in the vicinity of the target, where the gravity force of the target takes over ... and you have to brake! So you cannot calculate your trajectory Earth/Mars to start with. The speeds/directions vary all the time. Any search on Internet about this simple problem - trajectory Earth/Mars - confirms it ... you find only nonsense. To apply a temporary force of short durations on any spacecraft using a rocket engine consuming fuel to proceed towards a moving target, e.g. Mars, must be done at the correct location and time in space but ... you do not know in what direction to apply the force and for how long. You will always miss Mars ... and fly away in the Universe. Bye, bye Earth. Elon
Musk had other ideas
September 2016! Elon's 100 passengers
craft takes only
80-150 days to fly straight to Mars
and it will just brake and land on arrival like the
Belgian reporter Tintin + dog 1953 on the
Moon (right). Fuel for return to
Earth will be manufactured locally.
lives in a fantasy world paid for 100% by ...
NASA! I cannot
understand how MSM can take Elon
seriously, even he is one of the richest persons in
the USA. When Elon speaks publicly he brings
along 50 persons to cheer him in the audience. Same
persons stop other people to ask serious questions.
It reminds me of Hitler's Nazi-Germany and its
Volkswagen cars and Stalin's USSR. Elon M
also builds cars. But Elon is not alone:
The ESA spacecraft Rosetta departed
from planet Earth 3/4 March 2005 to
arrive - hole in one - at planet Mars
25/7 February 2007 - for a gravity
assisted kick (see C. below) on its
way to comet 67P! It took so long because
Rosetta went around the Sun (!) in a funny
trajectory in the meantime. I describe it in
below. It is just another fantasy that never
happened. You cannot fly around in
trajectories in space as suggested.
Typical ESA! Rosetta
finally crashed on the comet 67P on
30 September 2016 to finish the fantasy
trip. The only scientific finding of the whole
(fake) Rosetta trip is that comets are not
70-80% frozen water but 70-80% solid minerals of
different types. My understanding is that no spacecraft of any kind can carry enough fuel for any trip anywhere in space ... and return to Earth rotating around itself. All space trips are simply one-way trips into various Earth orbits. I have not been able to understand how you can leave one orbit, e.g. around Earth, and start in another orbit, e.g. around the Sun with a straight or whatever trajectory in between.
It is important to know what gravity is and isn't. There are at least two explanations of gravity. According Newton gravity is a force that somehow acts instantaneously between objects with mass in space, causing them to attract one another. The bigger the mass, the bigger the force. Gravity force is also a variable function of the distance between the two objects. The greater the distance, the smaller the force. Space and time are separate absolute entities and all objects (with mass) in them are affected by gravity forces. I am a firm believer of gravity as a force. I have seen apples drop from trees due to gravity. Gravity affects human space travel trajectories between heavenly bodies and makes it impossible ... because the heavenly bodies are moving in their own orbits all the time, so the gravity forces applied to external objects vary all the time. You can maybe - miracle - move from one orbit to another but never arrive to the second orbit, when the heavenly body to be visited there happens to pass. Newly elected US Senator Mark Kelly of Arizona says he has visited the Fake Space Station many times and then piloted the fake Shuttle back to ground. The only evidence is some TV footage of fat Mark floating weightless (no gravity!) in the Fake Space Station. What a stupid actor/show! Actually gravity applies also inside the Fake Space Station and Mark should walk on the ground facing Earth there. Newton's gravity is only locally applicable on and around Earth. It is not applicable in the Universe or in our galaxy the Milky Way! Why? The Milky Way galaxy is very large - diameter 120 000 light years with a Black Hole (see below) in its centre! It means that it takes a photon 120 000 years to travel from one end to another in the Milky Way. I assume gravity is slower than that, which means that the infinite numbers of Solar Systems in our Milky Way galaxy cannot communicate with each other instantaneously by gravity. Other, unknown forces maybe in action, e.g. electro-magnetic ones! What the JWST takes photos of is just old stuff that existed a long time ago! According Einstein gravity is not an ordinary force, but rather a property of space time geometry, i.e. a field - the product of bodies/masses moving through curved space time. Space and time are relative entities, interwoven into a "fabric" called space time in a dynamic universe space. Very complicated stuff and complete nonsense in my opinion. One result is that light, i.e. photons without mass travelling at the speed of light, is affected by this gravitational field, when passing, e.g. the Sun on way to the Earth. It has (maybe!) been verified studying the light of stars on Earth during eclipses and the light of stars hitting a NASA satellite orbiting Earth. The light from the stars changes direction (is bent), when passing the Sun, we are told. Why not? I haven't seen it, though, and I don't need glasses except for reading. It does not really affect artificial, man-made objects moving in space between Earth and its Moon or planets orbiting the Sun, etc. Einstein forgot that it takes a photon 120.000 years just to pass through the Milky Way, so all masses in the Universe must allow for it. But then there is this video about Black Holes! Watch it and enjoy the music before proceeding. It is paid for by the US Black Hole sect: countless, might, surmised, billions, gravity, impossible to see, concept, intrigued, gluttons, black holes, imaginary surface, event horizon, science fiction, dream, influence, won't let go, disappear, "maw", no detectable energy, accretion disk, light years, remarkable, appears, time-dilation, squeezed from side to side, gee whiz factor, infinitely dense pinpoint, laws of gravity break down so badly, event horizon, singularity, lost forever, actual size, if you squeezed the mass of the sun(!), sun isn't heavy enough, core's nuclear reaction, nuclear fuel, super nova, super-dense neutron star, infinitely dense, probably sprinkled, can't see it anymore, pipsqueaks, super massive black holes(!) - (I thought they were already infinite), even heavier!, 6.6 billion times, twice as wide as our entire solar system, one idea, collapse of giant clouds of gas, smaller building blocks, idea how, smaller stellar mass black holes, hundreds of solar masses, trillion times brighter than the sun, they can turn on again if they get enough to eat, best way to feed a black hole, black holes will feed on each other, in the future, very far future, extremely far future, Stephen Hawking (!), trillions of years, death rows of a black hole. Black
Holes or
singularities were discovered by
Hawking many
years ago after looking too deep into glass of
whisky, I assume! Such an asshole (?) in 3D
cosmos or space is the result of a star
collapsing into itself by gravity, when
all hydrogen atoms of the star fuse into helium
ones that fuse into or become other particles
releasing energy/heat. Stephen was since 1986 a member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, which was established in 1936 by Pope Pius XI, and has met three Popes. The theories of evolution and the Big Bang are real and God is not "a magician with a magic wand", Pope Francis has declared October 2014 at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. After a while all remaining particles are just a non-dimensional point of energy (!) or singularity in space without length, breadth and height but with indefinite density (!) or no density (energy has no density), unless they all disappeared into the fourth dimensions, according Stephen.
People and astronomers on
Earth said that they had found this
invisible Black
Hole (the black
dot in the middle of the image) in the
center of a galaxy in the Universe 50 million
(!) light-years away. All lies. Just
fantasies. They are just people that get
together and publish lies of all sorts. If you
ask a question - no replies! You can quote
me! This super
massive black
hole (a billion
times heavier than our Sun) immortalised by a
far-flung network of radio telescopes
2017/9 is 50 million light-years
(!) away at the centre of a galaxy known as
M87. How anyone can find such a small,
invisible thing 50 million light-years
(!) away is better not asked
for. So a Black Hole with diameter 0.003 light years is 50 000 000 light years away. I doubt any radio or telescopes on Earth can make an image of it. It is lit up by some background light - a quasar - that surrounds the Black Hole! Well, it was Ms. Katie Bouman (age 29) that managed to put the fake image together. Maybe it was a selfie of her sexual organ? She is the latest star of the space fakers/fuckers show. This is business as usual. She wants a Nobel prize for the hole job! She doesn't understand that she was fooled to look at plenty gigaoctets of signal data and make something of it. Magic ... it became an image. More scientific nonsense about this image: "The data is like an incomplete puzzle set," said team member Monika Moscibrodzka, an astronomer at Radboud University. "We only see pieces of the real true image, and then we have to fill in the gaps of the missing pieces." Etc, etc. May 2022 it was announced that a similar Black Hole had been found in the center of our own Milky Way galaxy at the Sagittarius A stars! It a 1 000 times smaller than the M87 one but looks the same. It was found by the Event Horizon Telescope, EHT, of the IRAM radio astronomy Institute. It is only 27.000 light years away! Of course it cannot be seen but plenty dust whirls around it at the speed of light it in the dark universe and against that background the Black Hole is visible, if you believe the EHT bullshit. Anyway, a Pontifical Academy
of Sciences with a criminal scientific fraud
like Stephen as member is providing
authoritative advice on scientific and
technological matters including miracles of
all kind. Listen: Pius
XII - 22 November 1951 Stephen Hawking, or a
person/actor said to be him, died March
2018. He was probably just an actor in a
strange show. This would be a good time to remind you that black holes were invented and modelled before the dark matter catastrophe. Mainstream physics now admits that 95% of the universe - and therefore 95% of this Seyfert galaxy and proposed black hole - is a big question mark in the equations. It is a total unknown, and can't be included in the equations in any way. Every black hole model is a gravity-only model, and it doesn't include dark matter as a player in celestial mechanics, except in a small squishy way via the cosmological constant. … It is very easy to spot a Black Hole in the UNIVERSE. Just look out for a quasar! They are everywhere, we are told! But do not mix a quasar with a pulsar! The first pulsar was not observed until November 28, 1967, by Ms. Jocelyn Bell Burnell (b. 1943) and Mr. Antony Hewish. They used a new type of radiotelescope that spotted it! A pulsar (from pulse and -ar as in quasar) is a highly magnetized rotating neutron star that emits beams of electromagnetic radiation out of its magnetic poles, we are told. The magnetic axis of the pulsar determines the direction of the electromagnetic radiation, with the magnetic axis not necessarily being the same as its rotational axis. This misalignment causes the beam to be seen once for every rotation of the neutron star, which leads to the "pulsed" nature of its appearance, if you follow the bla, bla? The events leading to the formation of a pulsar begin when the core of a massive star is compressed during a supernova, which collapses into a neutron star. The neutron star retains most of its angular momentum, and since it has only a tiny fraction of its progenitor's radius (and therefore its moment of inertia is sharply reduced), it is formed with very high rotation speed. Today 2021, scientists know of only about 2 000 pulsars. These rotating "lighthouse" neutron stars begin their lives as stars between about seven and 20 times the mass of our Sun. Imagine that. There is a star. Then it collapses. Supernova! And then a new star is born. Haleluja! A quasar (also known as a quasi-stellar object) is, on the other hand, an extremely luminous active galactic nucleus, in which a supermassive black hole with mass ranging from millions to billions of times the mass of the Sun is surrounded by a gaseous accretion disk, bla, bla! As gas in the disk falls towards the black hole, energy is released continously in the form of electromagnetic radiation, which can be observed across the electromagnetic spectrum (if you put your glasses in). The power radiated by quasars is enormous: the most powerful quasars have luminosities thousands of times greater than a galaxy such as the Milky Way, we are told. More than 500.000 quasars have been found in the sky and are easy to spot. In 1974, Antony Hewish and Martin Ryle, who had developed revolutionary radio telescopes, became the first astronomers to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics, with the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences noting that Hewish played a "decisive role in the discovery of pulsars". Ms. Jocelyn Bell Burnell didn't get any Nobel Prize! She only spotted one pulsar poor girl. Same year 1974, Joseph Hooton Taylor, Jr. and Russell Hulse discovered for the first time a pulsar in a binary system. This pulsar orbits another neutron star with an orbital period of just eight hours. Einstein's theory of general relativity predicts that this binary star system should emit strong gravitational radiation, causing the orbits to continually contract as they lose orbital energy. Observations of this pulsar soon confirmed this prediction, providing the first ever evidence of the existence of gravitational waves. As of 2010, observations of this pulsar continue to agree with general relativity. In 1993, the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Taylor and Hulse for the discovery of this pulsar. A quasar is thus a
compact (sic) region in
vacuum space surrounding a super massive Black
Hole and emitting enormous amounts of
electromagnetic energy/light, as
mass from the core of a surrounding
galaxy, under the influence of the Black
Hole's gravity, falls onto its
accretion disc. You follow? Mass
falls (by gravity?)
onto its accretion disc! As light! 70% of the 'stars' or
illuminated points you see, when you watch the sky
at a clear night, are quasars falling into
Black Holes with infinite mass nearby. Did
you know it? There are
of Black Holes that you cannot see from
Earth, because they are invisible but just
beside 70% of all those illuminated, compact points
you can really see a quasar. The other
points are just old, real stars. There is a Black Hole much closer - Sagittarius A*! It is at the centre of our galaxy the Milky Way. It is only 26.000 (!) light-years away, we are told. I doubt it. No photo has been taken of it. People said 10 August 2017 (!) they had discovered a Black Hole - Sagittarius A* - at the centre of our Milky Way galaxy universe with a finite mass 4.15 × 106 greater than the mass of our Sun. It is only 26 000 light-years away from Earth but no quasar was reported close by, reason being that the nearest quasar is 600 million light-years away. How this Black Hole just around the corner from Earth in the Milky Way can collide with anything and where it came from are not clear either! The old UNIVERSE, that we are told astronuts fly around in today, was created a long time ago out of the first gravitational singularity ever heard of. The UNIVERSE was created out of a Black Hole in reverse! By God? All the photons and energy of
the UNIVERSE was concentrated in one
point. Magic! Inch Allah! It was hot and
dense. Its temperature was a hot
1032 K (Kelvin) or a much
hotter 1047K. Jesus Christ! A
second later the Lepton
epoch started and
the temperature was only 109
K. In one second the temperature of
the expanding UNIVERSE had sunk
K! Someone had
thrown a bucket of water on it to cool it
down? "La poésie, c'est la précision. La poésie, c'est à la fois la maîtrise souveraine de la grammaire, l'humble soumission à la syntaxe, et le droit - presque le devoir - de pourtant réinventer à chaque strophe, ... Elle débute par une exploration patiente et savante du réel" he says. I consider him an imagineer, a job described by Ralph René in his funny book NASA MOONED AMERICA! I recommend the book but notes that Ralph never considered how the astro-nots went to the toilet, etc. Astroparticle physics, also called particle astrophysics, is a branch of particle physics that studies elementary particles of astronomical origin and their relation to astrophysics and cosmology. It is a new (sic) field of research emerging at the intersection of particle physics, astronomy, astrophysics, detector physics, relativity, solid state physics, cosmology and similar things or fantasies. Partly motivated by the alleged discovery of nonsensical neutrino oscillation, the astroparticle physics field has undergone rapid development, both theoretically and experimentally, since the early 2000s, we are told by "experts". Most of it appears to be pure fantasies.
do not believe in Black
Holes with
finite or infinite masses or energies
or dimensions in space surrounded by
quasars, or e.g. that two Black
Holes with quasars collided 1.3
billion light-years ago/away and formed a
new Black Hole that deformed the
space time producing
gravitational waves that were
detected and seen 14
September 2015, by
two Laser Interferometer
Gravitational-Wave Observatories at US states
of Louisiana and Washington at 11h50m45s
Paris local time, when passing through Earth on
that day ... 1.3 billion light-years
later: What bullshit! Black Holes collisions, common in space - once a month - and waves discovered in the gravitational field are just pseudoscience in my opinion. Anyway, I didn't notice anything 14 September 2015. Of course the change was smaller than one ten-thousandth the diameter of a proton and my eyes cannot see such amazing things. I really think that Black Holes in space are shear propaganda and Fake News! Here is more nonsense about Black Holes taught at university by Dr. Richard Feynman. Richard was a real, pseudoscientific asshole and womanizer fucking around everywhere. He was part of the team that invented the fake atomic bomb 1942/5 and another team that investigated/invented a fake Shuttle accident 1986/8. In between he invented all sorts of fake things about 'quantum electrodynamics' - complete nonsense that gave him the Nobel Prize physics 1965. 3 October 2017 the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences decided to award the Nobel Prize in Physics 2017 with one half to Rainer Weiss, LIGO/VIRGO Collaboration and the other half jointly to Barry C. Barish, LIGO/VIRGO Collaboration and Kip S. Thorne, LIGO/VIRGO Collaboration. Takaaki Kajita thought it was fantastic. What another joke! Actually the four persons mentioned are the latest, Nobel pseudoscientific prize winning criminals I know. It is sad. Similar to the Nobel Prize for Peace 2017 given to some other clowns. The reason was that on 14 September 2015, a universe's gravitational wave (GW150914) or waves were observed for the very first time by Rainer, Barry and Kip with Taakati cheering on. The wave or waves, which were predicted by Albert Einstein a hundred years ago, came from a collision between two Black Holes 1.3 billion years ago, we were told. It took 1.3 billion years for the wave or waves to arrive - at the speed of light - at the LIGO detector in the USA. And I didn't notice it at Beausoleil on 14 September 2015. So no Nobel Prize for me! This year. But 2019? Another collision or space time ripple event (or what?) took place on 25 or 26 December 2015 (GW151226) and a third on 4 January 2017 (GW170104) and a fourth on 17 August 2017 (GW170814) at 14.41 hrs and more gravitational waves were recorded. GW170814 was a gravitational wave signal from two merging black holes, detected by the LIGO and Virgo observatories on 14 (sic) August 2017. On 27 September 2017, the LIGO and Virgo collaborations announced the observation of the signal, the fourth confirmed event after GW150914, GW151226 and GW170104. It was the first binary black hole merger detected by LIGO and Virgo together. It seems that LIGO has
missed Black Hole - Sgr
A* - at the
centre of our Milky Way galaxy universe with a
finite mass
greater than the mass of our
Sun. But my dear
old Europe is not far behind! The
Virgo gravitational wave
laboratory at
Pisa, Italy, started only 1 August
2017 and already 17 August 2017 it
registered a gravitational wave
due to the collision of Black Holes of
31 and 25 Sun masses that took
place a Friday only
years ago far away. Imagine that! But maybe it wasn't a Black
Holes collision? The neutron star
collision 130 million light-years ago
but observed on Earth 17 August 2017 (left)
unlocks cosmic mysteries we are told by
media: Imagine - two neutron stars
converged! The mysterious, single, lonely
17 August 2017 gravitational
wave was apparently formed only 130
million years ago in a neutron stars collision
or convergion (!!) as follows: i. First, two, very dense
heavenly bodies (probably neutron stars - it
is not certain) danced around each
other at very great speeds somewhere in the
Universe, actually the Hydra constellation
(see vii. below). So two such heavy, solid, dense stars rotated around each other until they suddenly ... ii. second, collided releasing great amounts of energy. Imagine that! According other experts they just fused and became one bigger neutron star. However ... iii. the collision was so violent that the space time structure (whatever that is?) vibrated - only once! - and released one, only one, gravitational wave into the 3D universe. Imagine that! But there is no evidence for anything except contradictory press releases and Google articles ... so iv. third, like 2D waves formed in the interface sea water/air, when you drop a stone in the water, this lonely 3D wave - pressure pulse? - propagated through the 3D space time structure at the speed of light, until it, 130 million years later, passed the two American LIGOs and the European VIRGO Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatories. We are thus told: Approximately 130 million years ago, ... two neutron stars were in their final moments of orbiting each other, separated only by about 300 kilometers, or 200 miles, and gathering speed while closing the distance between them. As the stars spiraled faster and closer together, they stretched and distorted the surrounding space-time, giving of energy in the form of powerful gravitational waves, before smashing into each other. It seems that more than one wave was formed, but only one wave or pressure pulse was recorded 130 million years later here on Earth. I have to admit that I didn't notice it. Maybe I was asleep? v. The wave or pressure pulse passed the three observatories during 0.01 seconds. It was 100 times longer than the three previous gravitational wave observations due to Black Holes collisions! Imagine that ... 100 times longer ... and vi. fourth, less than two seconds later the American Fermi and the European Integral satellites recorded a short burst of gamma radiation! It is assumed the origin is the collision 130 million years ago. So vii. fifth, less than five hours later the location of the origin of the collision was established to be in the star constellation Hydra, that consists of billions of galaxies and named after a fantasy sea serpent. The collision however took place in one of only fifty Hydra galaxies as seen (!) by a small telescope located at Las Campanas, Chile. What was seen, and recorded, was a blue light flash - gamma rays? - turning red, then infrared and finally disappearing as a radio signal. viii. Sixth, actually the discovery (!) of the collision lasting 0.01 second producing one little gravitational wave was made using the US-based LIGO detectors, the Europe-based Virgo detector and some 70 other ground- and space-based observatories. Bla, bla, bla! What a stupid show! ESA is also faking gravitational waves research 2018. The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA), is an ESA mission designed to detect and accurately measure gravitational waves from astronomical sources like Black Holes, but also White Dwarfs and Neutron stars. According Julien Lavalle of Laboratoire Univers et Particules de Monpellier, LUPM, there are at least two types of Black Holes! One low mass type that starts with the collapse of a star at the end of its life. The other type is much more massive and is of unknown origin. Neither can be observed as all types of Black Holes cannot be seen. They do not reflect any light, you know. But maybe they eject ULX! UltraLuminous X-rays: Black holes are observed (sic) in nature (? universe or space) with masses of the order of ten times the mass of the Sun, and with masses of millions to billions the solar mass. The former are 'stellar black holes', the end product of massive stars, while the latter are 'super massive black holes', and exist in the centers of galaxies. Intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs) are a hypothetical third class of objects, with masses in the range of hundreds to thousands of solar masses. Intermediate-mass black holes are light enough not to sink to the centre of their host galaxies by dynamical friction, but sufficiently massive to be able to emit at ULX luminosities without exceeding the Eddington limit. If a ULX is an intermediate-mass black hole, in the high/soft state it should have a thermal component from an accretion disk peaking at a relatively low temperature (kT ˜ 0.1 keV) and it may exhibit quasi-periodic oscillation at relatively low frequencies. You follow? An intermediate-mass Black Hole 'may exhibit quasi-periodic oscillation at relatively low frequencies', so it can be seen! But it also ejects gravitational waves at the speed of light! Gravitational waves astronomy is an emerging branch of observational astronomy which aims to use gravitational waves to collect observational data about sources of detectable gravitational waves such as binary star systems composed of white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes; and events such as supernovae, and the formation of the early universe shortly after the Big Bang. A White Dwarf is a small, very dense, hot star that is made mostly of carbon according asstronomers. These faint stars are what remain after a Red Giant star loses its outer layers, we are told. Their nuclear cores are depleted. They are about the size of the Earth (but tremendously heavier)! They will eventually lose their heat and become a cold, dark Black Dwarf. Our sun will someday turn into a White Dwarf and then a Black Dwarf. The companion of Sirius is a White Dwarf. A Red Giant star is a relatively old star whose diameter is about 100 times bigger than it was originally, and had become cooler (the surface temperature is under 6.500K). They are frequently orange in color. Betelgeuse is a Red Giant star. It is about 20 times as massive as the Sun and about 14.000 times brighter than the Sun, and about 600 light-years from Earth. According Wikipedia. Therefore it can be seen! A Neutron Star is a very small, super-dense star which is composed mostly of tightly-packed neutrons. Sometimes it is a pulsar! It has a thin atmosphere of hydrogen according some experts. Imagine a star ... with atmosphere! It has a diameter of about 5-16 km and a density of roughly 1015 kg/m3. It is very heavy ... but a Black Hole of any type is much smaller and much heavier. There are thought to be around 100 million neutron stars in our galaxy the Milky Way but no pulsar has been seen. Imagine what people can invent. There is though no evidence for anything mentioned above. In 2018 and 2019 no new gravitational waves or pressure pulses have been recorded! People think the previous gravitational waves or pressure pulses are a hoax. Just to make things clear: I do not believe that all the
matter and energy of the UNIVERSE was
created by a Big Bang gravitational
singularity bright FLASH 13.8
billions of years ago as suggested by Mr. Alex
Filippenko or God or whatever. I do not
believe the UNIVERSE is 85% full of black,
invisible materia as suggested by Ms. Risa
Wechsler or White Dwarfs or Neutron
Stars or pulsars and, finally, Black
Holes of different types that will collide,
produce gravitational waves or
pressure pulses or suck up again all the matter and
energy of the UNIVERSE, so it one day will
finish to exist ... or start all over again. I am
not alone suggesting that
gravitational waves are a
hoax. I also do not believe in faint
microwave background
fluctuations, only
compared to the 2.73K average temperature of the
radiation field. First I
don't believe that the cosmic microwave
background radiation is a remnant of the
Big Bang and, second, that the
1/100 000 fluctuations - the density
ripples - are an imprint of density
contrast in an early UNIVERSE that
existed during
years after a Big Bang. The density ripples are
said to have given rise to the visible
structures that populate the UNIVERSE today:
clusters of
billion galaxies and vast regions devoid of
galaxies billions of light years away. LOL! But you
cannot measure 1/100 000 fluctuations in
temperature of a cosmic microwave background.
No instrument can do it. It is all
fakery. I consider any scientists, radio
telescope inventors and astronomers suggesting it -
with shaky, false instruments in balloons, spy
planes and satellites - as religious, stupid,
crazy, religious, myth creating idiots.
Giving Nobel prizes to them is a shame. But so is
the case. Few complain. I just laugh about
it. The 1/2 2019
Nobel prize physics was therefore given to 84
years old imagineer Mr. James
Peebles "for
theoretical discoveries in
physical cosmology." And
what are they? Cosmos/the Universe is like a
cappuccino with sugar on top, i.e. 69%
coffee/black energy, 26% cream/black
material and 5% sugar/visible material
of ordinary atoms - and some Black Holes
in it ... according James! Of course there is no
evidence of any black energy or
material in the Universe, but who
cares nowadays? Imaginary fantasies are top of the
pops 2022! 21.
A little about Particle Physics Particle
physics (also
known as high energy physics) is a branch of
physics that studies the nature of the
particles that
constitute matter and
radiation. An elementary
particle or fundamental particle
is a subatomic particle that
is not composed of other particles. Via quantum
theory, protons and
neutrons were found to contain
quarks now considered
elementary particles. Niels Bohr's
dear protons and neutrons are thus just particles,
but not elementary ones. According to the current models
of Big Bang nucleosynthesis, the
primordial composition of visible
matter of the Universe, i.e. 5% of
the lot, should be about 75% hydrogen and 25%
helium-4 (in mass). Thanks
to photons we can see it! A
photon is an
elementary particle that is a quantum of the
electromagnetic field, including electromagnetic
radiation such as light and radio waves, and the
force carrier for the electromagnetic force.
Photons are massless, so they always
move at the speed of light in vacuum,
m/s. The photon belongs to the class
of bosons, etc, etc, bla, bla! A
Swedish Nobel prize winner
physics asked me
1964, what I planned to study in the future
to make a living. I said particle
physics. He suggested that I studied
something else not to waste my time!!
And this I did! As you have read until here you
can probaly spend an hour listening to
this. 23.
Analysis, can cause Material
Damage Listen to this about
annular dark field scanning transmission
electron microscopy (ADF-STEM): explains Dr. Imaoka. Thanks a lot for reading all
above! Go to C.